Ch.3: An Ancient Myth...

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"Ugh, I swear only Gryffindors get detention on their first day," Miss Jones complained, she was the detention supervisor.

The school day was officially over, Jake, Milly, and Luke were sitting at their desks, dying of boredom but keeping quiet.

"So, what are you three in for?" Miss Jones asked after a good twenty minutes of silence.

"Uhh," Jake started. "I caused Zoey to puke slugs."

Milly burst out laughing. "SERIOUSLY?!"

Jake chuckled. "Yep."

"What did she do?" Luke asked, choking back any oncoming laughter.

"She was bullying Hailey in class."

"If Zoey was bullying Hailey, why isn't she in here?" Miss Jones stoically said.

"Because she plays the innocent victim around the Hogwarts facility and never gets caught when she bullies people," Milly answered, with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Sure Milly," Miss Jones replied, Jake could practically smell the sarcasm from the response.

"Luke, I was told you were fighting someone in the halls," Miss Jones continued.

"Yea, Drew was about to steal Zander's notes from class. So I tried to defend him," Luke responded.

"Someone's protective of their boyfriend," Milly teased.

Luke practically turned into a tomato. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Yet," Jake interjected smugly.

"Jake's right though, it's only a matter of time," Milly added.

"I hate you both," Luke stuttered, hiding any blushing.

"Milly, specify the reason why you're in here," Miss Jones quietly interrupted.

"I turned Drew into a skunk, I feel zero shame," Milly proudly replied.

"I feel zero shame as well," Jake added.

"We all have our reasons for what we did," Luke stated.

Miss Jones rolled her eyes. "I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing you three a lot this year."
2 hours later...

"Ughhhh," Milly grumbled as they exited the room. "Miss Jones lecturing us about how it's wrong to turn people into skunks is the most boring thing I've ever listened to."

"Well, you fall asleep in class a lot, so that doesn't say much," Luke replied.

"Hey!" she exclaimed. "I get bored easily okay!"

"I wasn't really bored," Jake said. "I found it amusing."

"Although I wished I was there to see Zoey cough up slugs," Milly chuckled. "That would've been the highlight of my life to see that little snake get what she deserved."

Climbing the never-ending shifting of the stairs, they finally reached their dorm room.

"Let's rest a bit before we head out to the dinner hall," Luke suggested.

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