Ch.2: A Discovery

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"Can someone tell me an ingredient in a polyjuice potion?" Mr. Jenkins, Head of Ravenclaw, asked. It was all review today in potions class.

Hailey politely raised her hand and was then motioned to answer.

"One ingredient in a polyjuice potion is fluxweed," she responded. She could've given a full lesson on how to make it though, Hailey always hated reviewing stuff she's already mastered.

Jake's boredom level was through the roof today, potions class always made him want to scrape a cheese grater against his forehead. Due to Mr. Jenkins always complaining about his 'bad luck', potions class went by fairly slowly since he became the new teacher.

Two girls sat behind Hailey, they've picked on her since their first year.

"Hailey's such a nerd," Zoey whispered, her wicked smile was probably why she got placed in Slytherin.

"Totally," Lia, a young Ravenclaw girl, replied.

Jake glared at them from his seat, and of course, Mr. Jenkins continued his lecture, unaware of the girls' behavior.

"Ugh, what's Jake's fixation with this weirdo?" Lia whispered.

"I don't know, she's a freak so don't ask me," Zoey replied with a quiet cackle.

Hailey rolled her eyes, she was in class so she couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey Hailey," Zoey said, a bit louder. "I didn't know you were just using Jake for his popularity."

The remark nearly made Jake snap his quill in half as some students giggled.

Hailey, irritated, turned around. "That's funny, I didn't know you wanted to cheat on your boyfriend."

The entire class gasped of course as Zoey nearly died from the embarrassment. Jake smiled smugly. "That's my girl."

"Excuse me?" Mr. Jenkins boomed. "Is there a problem?"

"No sir, my apologies," Hailey replied.

"Shut up you mudblood," Zoey snapped.

"Gold digger."



"Girls! Stop!" Mr. Jenkins yelled. "I've had enough!"

"Sir I'm trying!" Hailey pleaded.

"I swear I'm going to hex you right now!" Zoey pulled out her wand.

"Zoey, enough," Lia said, attempting to calm her down. Zoey still pointed her wand at Hailey.

Out of instinct, Jake pulled out his as well.

"Slugulus Eructo!" he yelled, as a glowing beam hit Zoey in the stomach.

She doubled over onto the floor, this kind of stuff never happened on the first day.

Sitting up, Zoey looked noticeably sick. Her eyes bulged as a slug fell out of her mouth.

"What the hell Jake!" Lia screeched, running to get a bucket to catch the slugs Zoey was coughing up.

Zoey screamed at the top of her lungs as she puked up another slug. Hailey burst out laughing, as well as the rest of the class.

"Jake! That was uncalled for!" Mr. Jenkins yelled.

"Did you even hear what Zoey was saying to Hailey?!" Jake defensively replied. Hailey blushed a little due to Jake standing up for her.

"Whatever, report to detention after school," he responded.

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