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Lyrics for this song were translated in English! :D


It felt like time slipped away.

Class 12 was able to conquer their two final semesters in college, which led them to earning the rights to be seated at Konoha International Convention Center for the curtain call of a major season of their lives.

Sakura Haruno was called onstage, followed by her esteemed parents, who gained the privilege of placing a medal engraved with the words Summa Cum Laude around their daughter's neck.

Everyone applauded as the student with the highest distinction from Konoha U's College of Business Administration and Accountancy bowed towards the crowd.

Sasuke couldn't hide the smile on his face, knowing that Sakura deserved that award and more. His eyes followed her as she descended the stage and paced towards her assigned seat. At once, he yet again recalled the plan he had in mind once their commencement exercises ended.

He wondered if he could really let it happen this time.

His name was called a few moments later, and as usual, a few girls squealed at the back while the others gave a round of applause. He thought about what his parents and brother would have felt if they were with him at the moment, until he felt a hand on his shoulder when he reached the edge of the stairs.

"Well done, Sasuke," his professor turned father-figure muttered behind his mask. The twinkle of his eyes reminded Sasuke of Sakura, and the warmth of his hand reminded him of Naruto.

These three precious people made his college life bearable. And he couldn't thank them enough.

Professor Hatake helped him in wearing his medal. Magna cum laude, it said. He stopped himself from tearing up upon witnessing the tangible fruition of everything he has worked hard for up to now.

His eyes sought for someone in the crowd, remembering all the reviewers she patiently and creatively prepared for him every time there was an exam, and recalling the fact that her mere presence allowed him to stay motivated for four fruitful years. It was Sakura Haruno who kept him grounded, even without her knowing.

And as his eyes glued to hers from the stage, he silently expressed his wholehearted gratitude, making her smile wider as she clapped her heart out for him.

Again, Sasuke wondered if it was already the right time.


"Congratulations, Mr. Magna."

"Hn. Likewise, Ms. Summa."

Sakura chuckled, wiping away the flowing anxiety in his veins. They were standing at the lobby of KICC as the graduates vacated the hall and met with their parents. Thankfully, Sakura's parents were still nowhere to be found.

Sasuke cleared his throat and clutched the item inside his pocket that he has been holding on to for dear life throughout the day. "S-sakura, I have something to give you."

"Really? Oh my, I haven't even bought a graduation gift yet!"

"It's" Sasuke took out the small decorated box from his pocket and handed it to Sakura, whose eyes widened at the gesture of her normally silent blockmate.

"Sasuke! Thank you! What's this?"

His lips curved upwards at the sparkle of her eyes, something that he hasn't seen for quite a long time ever since that incident at the gymnasium. "Open it."

And then she gasped. "A rose gold bangle?"

"Aa. It's...actually, it's a gift from both me and Naruto to you and Professor Kakashi. He's giving the one for him now," he replied. But she didn't need to know that Naruto didn't pay anything at all for the one he gave to Sakura.

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