--locker rooms--

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"Man this hero uniform is so hard to get off!" complained Ochako.

"Yeah, Momo probably has the easiest time getting hers off. I can help you with that Ochako" offered Mina. Mina started unzipping Ochako's hero costume.

"Thanks Mina" Ochako said as she turned around to put her costume back in her locker. But her eyes caught a glimpse of the hole that Mineta had made last time. "Hey guys, we should really cover up that hole. I mean the boys can still see us if they want to!"

Jirou turned around, her eyes furious, "We covered it up already! UGH those perverts! We need something new and better to cover this!"

Jirou stomped over to the hole ready to plunge whatever she could into it, trying to close it.

"OR...", started Mina, momentarily stopping Jirou, "we could send messages!!" proclaimed Mina, going through her bag and pulling out a pen and paper. All the girls looked at her with unsure facial expressions.

Ochako looked the most concerned, "Mina...what are you gonna say?"

Mina looked up at her with a smirk that could only mean one thing. "No, no, no, no, no, it's something bad I just know it!"

Ochako had her reasons for believing Mina was attempting something crazy. Earlier that week Ochako had been talking to Mina about clothes and somewhere in there the topic of boys came up, which Ochako has come to realize is an unavoidable subject when it comes to Mina. Somehow Ochako shared her appreciation for toned abs and Mina couldn't stop herself from asking who had inspired this new attraction. Ochako never told her, but what made things worse is that Ochako said she never will tell Mina. As you can only imagine, that set her off and lately Mina has been very accurate with her accusations. Ochako has just been trying her best to deny them all.

Mina's face was determined and excited, "Oh relax Ochako! It's nothing bad, I PROMISE! It's just a simple little question!"

"OOOoooOOOoooOo! What is it Mina?" asked Hagakure. Soon every girl was pestering Mina.

"You'll see! YOU'LL SEE!" yelled Mina as she walked over to the hole in the wall and slipped it through, then she sealed the hole with some of her acid. "I just asked who they think would be the best dancer out of us girls....only worded a little differently...maybe something to do with dancing ON someone or something like that..."

"Oh dear! Hopefully they'll know that was all you Mina! Otherwise their gonna think we might be interested in some of them!" said Momo.

Soon all commotion broke out about what they would think of the question and who they thought wrote it.

Ochako came out of her daze. "We can't let them see that!" she exclaimed, silencing all the commotion.

"Someone's going to have to go in and get that paper! That's so embarrassing!" yelped Uraraka.

"Oh have a little fun!" Mina pouted.

"I'll go in!" said Ochako, staring in her locker.

"No, NO. It's fine we can figure something else out if you really care that much!" said one of the girls.

Hagakure did her best to hide in the corner, not wanting to draw attention to the fact the she was literally invisible. I kinda want to see what happens, I'm sure Mina does too!

Ochako looked up blushing, "I'll be quiet, plus I'm pretty much the smallest out of all of us, and were wasting time they might have seen it already."

"Are you sure?" said Jirou, a look of shock on her face along with all the other girls.

Ochako nodded. Mina had seemed too slick with her answer and Ochako definitely did not trust her. Whatever was on that paper was NOT about dancing.

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