--bakugou's respect--

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By the request of @Bookabsorbed, I will be attempting the storyline after the fight between Bakugou and Ochako. 

Bakugou's eyes are seemingly unfocused as he over hears his classmates conversations. He had just finished a fight with the Roundface girl and they were bantering about why she lost.

Bakugous eyebrows furrow together when he hears the accusation of her frailty. 

"What part about her was FRAIL?", Bakugou demands. "Tch", he mumbles, and walks away. Leaving his classmates confused.

He needed time to think about his mistakes in the fight, he needed to cretique himself before he had to go back out there.

Soon, Bakugou was aimlessly wondering the dim lit halls of the stadium with his hands in his pockets. 

Roundface for sure wasn't gonna beat me, but without my fast reflexes and incredible strength, she might have had a chance, Bakugou ponders. The nerd face seems to stick around her a lot, and he's smarter than I'd like to admit. But her tactic wasn't his idea, not even that green haired idiot knows her quirk that well. Only someone with a good 16 years of understanding their own quirk could ever be able to think up a strategy like Uraraka's. 

The blonde smirks, A huge threat? No. But definitely tougher than I thought she'd be.

He hears sniffles coming from the warm up room a couple doors ahead of him.

"Ah shit." Bakugou whispers under his breath. He can tell those muffled cries are no other than Ochakos.

Shit. Backugou pauses and frowns to himself. Why do I care if she sees me walk by?! I don't. It's not like I'd be of any help anyway, I'd only make her cry more.

Regardless, he finds himself pausing just before the cracked opening of the warm up room door.

"Mom, he didn't even know my name before the fight, and just barely knew my abilities!" He hears Ochako groan out through a croggy voice. Bakugou keeps his features straight.

"Thank you Dad, but I should have at least been able to hold out longer." She sighs, "I mean, the hero interships people saw that I can't last much longer after I use up too much of my abilities." She doesn't even pause for a breath and speeds up her expanation with too mcuh concern and worry in her voice. "I won't be able to provide for you guys, and then I'll have to find a medium wage job that will barely be able to help you guys out. All your hard work for me and your company will be for nothing!"

Bakugou can tell it's her parents turn to respond, and can only hear her quiet sobs, she must be trying to restrain them.

"I know, I know Mom and Dad. I'm sorry, I'll stay positive. I'll keep trying for you guys!" She sniffs, "Love you too! Bye."

The spiked blonde stiffens as he hears her shut her flip phone and sobs into what sounds like her hands. But it stops just as soon as it starts and he's sure she's trying to make herself look like she hasn't been crying now.

Bakugou makes a sharp turn to face the room from the middle of the door way.

God, WHAT am I doing?! Can I even control my own body anymore?!

He quickly makes sure to look in and around like he hadn't just heard her whole sobbing conversation with her parents. But he didn't want to look like he cared too much about anything, so, trying to act like his normal self, he walks a little ways further in.

Ochako notices movement from the corner of her eye and flinches, moving quickly to clean her tears and nose up with her tissue before she turns to face whoever it is, her phone and a few bandages in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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