Chapter 15

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Alisa has been in the cave for a while now, it must be really long, at this rate it probably is a passage way. Shane hasn't said anything, he is just standing there. I don't know what to say to Shane, I don't actually know him really. I only wanted to, because he has two soul colors. Shane is nothing like Chase, when I think about it, and they are twin brothers, but I guess that doesn't count for much. 

"Come on, she's been in there long enough, we can follow her in, or meet half way." Shane says. "Go get some thick fairly short branches from the woods, we can make torches." I do as he says and head out into the trees.

Most of the trees are bare half way up, so there isn't much cover, I still worry about the shapeshifter bandits. Where did they go? I told Shane about the bandits, I hope he hasn't forgot about them. After all he can't really use his green side, they could be watching us. I take extra caution, being quiet, and looking in every direction, so I can't be caught off guard. 

When I gather a few short branches like Shane said, I start heading back. Then I hear what I have been dreading this whole time. I stop in my tracks, someone is behind me. It feels like my feet have sunken into the ground, I'm just frozen. I hear their footsteps behind me, more and more footsteps. It has to be the shapeshifters. I drop the branches, and start running, I look back for a second. There is no one there, I stop and turn completly in the direction I heard them. What happened? 'They're playing tricks on me' I think to myself. I slowly head back to where I droped the branches, I might as well get what I came out here for. 

I hear laughing from behind me and whip around to find the source, but no one is there.

"Stop it, stop trying to scare me." I call out, turning around and looking in all directions. I start running in the direction of the cave, leaving the branches. I make turns and zig zags in case they are following me, but it isn't going to do much good. 

I get to the cave and to where Shane is. 

"What happened? Where are the branches?" Shane asks, but I shake my head.

"We need to go, the bandits," I take another breath, "the bandits are here." Shane stands up.

"Great, we just going to walk in there blind?" He says in frustration.

"We will probably find Alisa, she will help." I say, not in enough confidence. I grab a stick from the ground. "Here use this, like blind people do." I hand it to him, then pick another up for me. 

We start walking into the cave, the ground of the cave is covered in rocks and boulders, some up to my waist. I walk in caution, using my stick to feel around in front of me. I hit a few boulders on accident, I will probably have a few bruises after this. I hope the shapeshifter bandits don't think we came in here, they could see in the dark and we would be blind. It would be horrible.

"Guys?" I hear a familiar voice, Alisa. We are to far from the entrance to have any light, it was already getting dark out anyways when we came in here.

"Yeah, what did you find?" I ask, there is no time to explain the situation, we just need to get out of here. 

"Its a mile down, but it's a dead end, we have to turn back." I shake my head, could this get any worse, not only is it not a passage, but there is probably shapeshifter bandits waiting back at the entrance. 

"Well, there is nothing else we can do." Shane says, and we start walkng back. 

It is faster and easier now to walk back because we're tracing our steps, but I still trip over small rocks on the ground. 

We start to see entrance of the cave, we arn't to far, but it has gotten a lot darker, and it is barely letting off light, but just enough to see the ground and outside the cave. I don't see anything or anyone out there now, but they could be just around that corner. 

"Shane," I whisper over at him, right before we are about to exit the cave, "what are we going to do?" I look over at him, the moonlight the only light that allows us to see. He doesn't know what to do, I don't either.

Shane walks out first with me and Alisa following him, nothing has jumped out at us yet. I look around, into the trees, and as far as I can see in all directions, there is no one in sight. Just as I'm about to reassure them, a cold hard dagger is put against my neck, and I'm faced towards Alisa and Shane who also have a threat against them.

"Now, its your choice, this can be easy or you can make it hard." I look up at the cave, they were on top, and jumped down, I should have seen it. The voice in my ear is unfamiliar but, all the same, he isn't friendly. 

"Tell us where Zorek is and no one will get hurt." That voice I do remember, Zorek. He walks up to me from my right and looks me in the eye. "Or maybe one of your friends will tell me, now that you are all in the same place, but now I have a personal vendetta with you," he looks me straight in eyes, with his yellow eyes, threatening me own their own, "after that little stunt you pulled, making us run the whole way here, it was really inconsiderate of you." He backs up and starts twirling his knife around, pacing. 

"Well, I'm not sorry for running from death." I say in full confidence, he was probably going to kill me. He shakes his head. 

"Emily is it?" I look over at Shane and Alisa, they are still trying to get free from their captures, Alisa is in human form, I shake my head at her as if telling her 'don't try anything'. I look back to Jrek. "I was not going to kill you, in fact if you had just told me where to find Zorek in the first place, none of this would have happened." I shake my head at him.

"I can't tell you anything, because I don't know." I tell him, but he doen't seem convinced, but I really don't know where Zorek is.

"I'm not that gulable, I know you know something, tell me what." I sigh, I have no other choice.

"All I know," I start looking from Shane back to Jrek, "is that he lives somewhere here, in these mountains." 

"That wasn't so hard now was it." He backs away from me, and motions for everyone to let us go, then they start walking away, but I get the feeling this isn't the end of it, after all he did say he had a personal vendetta against me, hopfully he doesn't know about Chase. I don't want him put in danger. 

"We need to get to Zorek before him, we really need to hurry, and be on the look out at all times." I nod, Alisa is speechlesss, I'm still a little frozen myself. 

"I know how we can him before Jrek." Shane and Alisa look at me, it should be obvious though. "Chase. We need Chase."

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