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Harry's pov

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was watching as the teacher ranted on and on about irrelevant things but he looked so adorable. he glanced at me and then smirked seeing I was watching

"bloody git" I mumbled looking away. Severus laughed a little but ignored the both of us.

after class the three if us walked to our dorm, way to exhausted to bother studying in the library. I flopped down on my bed and sighed happily at the comfort it brought. severus lay on his own and went to sleep almost instantly, his snores filling the room. suddenly I felt someone lay beside me and I looked over at tom

"what?" I asked as he didn't take his eyes off me

"oh nothing, just acting like you did in class a couple of minutes ago" he replied. I sighed and hid my face with my hands

"piss off" I mumbled. he moved my hands and gently gently grabbed my face before pressing a kiss against my lips. he started to pull away but I wasn't finished so I moved with him, I ended up crawling between his legs with one hand on each side of his waist on the bed to keep me from falling. I felt him smirk as his hands gripped my waist 'don't make out with riddle' Ron's voice suddenly ran in my head and I smirked, oh to see Ron's face if he walked into this room now. I pulled away and looked into Tom's glowing eyes, he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me cuddling me almost protectively. I smiled at the warmth he gave and snuggled up to him.

"how's my two love birds?" severus asked sitting at the table with us for dinner. I snorted and rolled my eyes

"wonderful. how about you perv?" I joked, he gasped and placed his hand over his chest dramatically, like draco does. Tom's hand gripped mine from under the table making me blush and turn all my attention to him.

"crazy Tom's got a boyfriend has he? is tom gay?" my dad, James,  said from behind us. his two friends Sirius and remus looked at each other nervously. I snorted remembering that back in my timeline the two are married.

"Potter! leave them alone! this really isn't a way to get a girl" my mother said angrily walking over to us. suddenly the evil smile was gone of my dad's face as he looked at my mother. Severus sighed and placed his head in his hands. I remember the other day Severus told me that him and lily had been best friends, Severus even fell in love with my mother. I looked at him sadly. if it were any other time I would have helped Sev get my mother. but I don't think that's the best idea, if I done that I might just disappear, I would of never have been born.

"lily, I was just playing with them!" my dad said. I rolled my eyes and rested my head on Tom's shoulder.

"whatever. you just want to hurt anyone who has anything to do with Severus! you're a monster y'know james" she said angrily as a boy from Gryffindor came up behind her. I gasped. arthur weasley

Tom looked at me and laughed at the shocked look on my face

"I bet you 5 gallons that Weasley and his girlfriend will have hundreds of kids the way those two party around" Tom whispered in my ear. I snorted, not exactly hundreds but a lot of kids they have, for sure.

"Whatever James. no is my answer to your date. Hello Severus" she said waving at my bestfriend with a smile on her face before being pulled away by arthur and molly -who had appeared with out me noticing. Severus blushed and bit his lip nervously watching her be pulled away.

"someone's crushing" tom said smirking at him. severus glared

"you two are a cou- what exactly are you guys?" he asked. I blushed and looked down. a couple of kisses, cuddling and small touches don't mean we automatically are boyfriends. I looked at my plate and went to fill my spoon with soup but suddenly Tom pulled me into his lap and kissed me deeply

"what do you want us to be?" he asked looking into my eyes with the most emotion I had ever seen. i blushed and looked down. I knew what I wanted us to be. boyfriends. but the whole time thing. I have been here for about a month and a half and I had fallen for the boy that killed my mother and father. I was bestfriends with a teacher that hated me. wanted me dead for all he could care.

I suddenly started crying. why did I have to be sent here? I don't want to get hurt. I don't want to hurt them.

"harry?" tom said grabbing my face. I couldn't do this. I had to tell them. I got up and pulled tom up with me and told severus to follow us. once we had got back to our dorm I sat on my bed.

"i- I need to tell you two something" I said. bloody rushing to my head and my face going red. my hands started to shake.

"you can tell us anything harry" severus said as he and tom sat in front of me on the bed. I looked at tom, this was going to hurt him the most. I didn't want him to think our relationship was a joke.

"tom... tom I love you... honestly.... I- i mean that with my whole heart and I want to be with you! I really do... but i- i can't." i said and looked away

"what do you mean you can't?" he asked taking my hand. I pulled my hand away and moved a little away from them

"I'm not from this timeline.... I'm from the future, as messed up as that sounds.... I was born in 1980... my mother is Lily Evans... my dad james Potter... my name isn't harry Granger, my names harry Potter. Granger is the name of muggle born in my timeline.... tom... you... I... I'm here because you... you done horrible things... you still are back in 1995.... I'm so sorry... I'm only ment to be here to distract you... but I have fallen in love with you" I said, Tom's face had no emotion, he looked dead almost. I looked at Sev... his mouth was hanging open and he was staring at me like I was crazy

"severus you are a Potions Professor... you hate me to say the least... I think I reminded you to much of james or something.... in fact you target me in classes and call me horrible things....if you had it your way I would be living with my muggle family." I said looking down at my hands. I was shaking and I wanted to be sick. I love Tom and I respect severus to much not to tell them.

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