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"Ah, looks like your wish was granted, Harry!" Ron goofily looked down on the letter. Hermione slapped him on the shoulder to withdraw the look. Meanwhile, Harry opened the delicate envelope and saw the precise, round, handwriting and immediately assumed that it was Ginny. She sat on the other side of the table, and was attempting to communicate with Luna at the Ravenclaw table.

"Who do you guys think might have wrote this?" Harry asked, even though he knew the answer (Ginny).

"It was definitely Ginny." Ron nodded. "She's been contemplating the idea of a love letter for a while," Harry was skeptical, as she seemed to have moved on from him to some Hufflepuff boy.

"Maybe it was Draco?" Hermione suggested. The bell rang just in time and Harry sped off to potions, not bothering to wait for his friends. As he entered the lower corridors, a familiar scent of french perfume and salt filled the air. Malfoy. Harry approached the door to the Potions classroom and opened the door.

"Malfoy! The whole corridor reeks of you! Learn to keep clean, will you?" Harry shouted impulsively. The whole class was looking now. Not to his surprise, Draco clapped back.

"Well," Draco's face went pink. "It reeks of you, too! Do us all a favor and stop eating those Treacle Tarts, will you?" Hermione glanced at the board, then at the pair, giggling. Harry saw as Draco placed his hands on his hips and glared at Harry. He noticed that he had manicured his nails and painted them black. How gay is that? He thought. Professor Slughorn walked in just in time to end the drama.

"Class, today we are learning about Amortentia. If you are observant, you would have read the board and figured it out." The old man smiled and continued. "Can anybody tell what it is?" Hermione's hand shot up as usual. "Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Amortentia is the strongest love potion in the world. It takes the scent of what the beholder is attracted to." Hermione shot a knowing glance at Harry. Ron made hand gestures. Upon hearing this, the students started to tease and yell. Words like "gay" and "lovey-dovey" sprang from their mouths. Professor Slughorn congratulated Hermione and struggled to quiet down the class.

By now, Harry and Draco were the talk of the whole school. People looked at them, muttering various things.

"Who would have guessed?"

"They're kind of cute together,"

"What do they see in each other?


XOXO, Your Secret Admirer -A Drarry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now