no freaking way

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At six o'clock pm, the sun had finally started to set, leaving a pink stain on the horizon. Harry began his trek back to the castle while attempting to stuff Hagrid's rock cake into his robes. A familiar blond head popped up behind a thorny bush, waiting for him to investigate. It was none other than Draco Malfoy, the boy he utterly despised.

"Malfoy, what do you want from me?" Harry mumbled at the bush. Draco's face came into view, his usually pale features now bright red. Harry never thought he'd ever see him blush.

"Nothing, I was just... watching you strut away from your little date with that oaf you call Hagrid." Draco looked flustered but at the same time accusing and deliberate. Harry scowled and walked away from the boy, not thinking much of it at first. Now the shade of red Malfoy's face turned was starting to seem odd.

The Great Hall looked warm and comforting as always in the evening. Harry slid into the empty cushioned seat between Ron and Hermione, still visibly frustrated with his encounter with Malfoy. Ron looked up and greeted him with a mouth full of mashed potatoes. Hermione snapped shut the thick book she was reading and looked left.

"Let me guess. Malfoy?"

"He was stalking me from a bush! When I confronted him, he turned red and acted like it was nothing!" Harry vented.

"I don't know mate, I think he caught feelings for you!" Ron said, mouth finally clear.

"No. Not today Ron. This boy hates my guts. There's no way he likes me." Harry emphasized the no way with crossing arms.

"Oh-kaaay." Ron let out a sly smile and mashed his hands together as if the hands were making out. Hermione jumped in.

"Ron, stop. Malfoy is an awful person. He can't possibly like-" Oohs erupted from the Slytherin table, all eyes on Malfoy, who was the same shade of crimson as the meeting at the bush. "-him." she finished. Harry sighed and changed the subject to Professor McGonagall's class and the insane amount of homework they had piled up that season. Harry silently pleaded that Malfoy did not have a crush on him. No way, he thought. No freaking way. The boy that had tormented him at Hogwarts for nearly six years might have a crush on him. Malfoy was gay?

Totally not happening.

Harry fell into a deep sleep, an unmistakable face forming in his dream. He wanted to touch the face. But when he got closer, Malfoy's features materialized onto it. No way.

No freaking way.

XOXO, Your Secret Admirer -A Drarry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now