Dating Seungmin

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-playful puppy
-really smiley
-hyper and bouncy
-sings to you a lot
-walks in on you in the shower just to say hi
-always telling you "tAAh" or "gAAah"
-yells you you're beautiful every time he sees you 😘
-takes a lot of pictures with you
-loves listening to music and watching movies with you
-loves teaching you english (or korean lol)
-makes you dance to Day6 with him
-makes you food in the morning
-used to mention you a lot on asc
-loves bragging about you to the members
-gives you his hoodie when you're cold
-hugs you when you're cold too
-takes you on a lot of cafe dates
-you like to mess with his glasses before bed
-you call him cute 24/7
-all around just really sweet with you
-loves cuddling but acts like he doesn't
-pats your head when you lay on his shoulder
-puts his arm around you a lot
-strokes your hair when you fall asleep cuddling
•kissing (honestly I can't think of this child kissing anyone)
-very soft and short
-holds your shoulders
-you hold his cheeks a lot
-doesn't kiss you around the members
-gives cheek kisses more than anything
-but also gives you forehead kisses a lot

Does anyone else think he looks like Eric Nam in the picture on top???

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