Dating Hyunjin

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-probably the most clingy out of skz
-tells you his emotions a lot
-you guys have long conversations about what he is feeling like
-really r e a l l y supportive
-gets jealous easily
-does a lot of random mini dances
-loves doing dances with you
-always telling you how beautiful you are
-blushes when you compliment him
-like Changbin, always putting his head on your shoulder
-the pda never ends, he is always clinging to you
-holding your hand
-kissing your cheek
-laying on your shoulder
-hugging you
-but gets super shy in front of the members
-will maybe give a cheek kiss in front of the members
-they all tease him for showing affection to you
-invites you to the practice room a lot
-very dramatic in certain situations
-makes disgusted faces when you win a game
-if he gets scared, he flinches or falls to the ground
-whines when you don't give him attention
-talks in his sleep
-really hard to wake up
-you always greet him with hugs and kisses when he comes home
-feels bad when he gets home late
-repays you in cuddles and food
-loves most cuddling positions
-loves being big and small spoon like Changbin
-often laying on your chest
-when you're home, he has his arm around you alllll the time
-you also have your arm around him allll the time
-you guys always cuddle when you can
-falls asleep while cuddling
-mostly gives cheek kisses
-soft pecks when he gets home
-soft pecks around the members
-soft pecks in public
-a very passionate kisser
-holds your cheeks or waist
-smiles a lot during kisses
-always smiles/blushes after kissing
-hides his face on your shoulder so you can't see him blushing

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