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Takato could only stare in shock. How did his D-Ark give these girls digivices, especially when he never knew them before today? Though he tried wrapping his head on this, he recognized each partner to the girls. It was Sunset's that shocked him the most though. Veemon, the Digimon who could armor digivolve with the digiegg of miracles into a Royal Knight. However, the Digimon that saved them all seemed to fit each girl well.

"Seems someone needs some cooling down!" Yells Veemon. The other newcomers nod, but Dorumon speaks next.

"But let's not use fire based attacks. That seems to be how we got into this situation." He looks to Guilmon, who bashfully chuckles in embarrassment.

"Hehe... sorry." Guilmon replies sheepishly. This elicits several giggles and chuckles as they understood.

"Well, let's get to work darlings." Says the Renamon. Takato sees now this is a different variation of the species, as this Renamon has a silver coat instead of the common yellow. The rest simply nod, charging in at the Meramon.

"Double Backhand!" Yells Gaomon, spinning into a blue twister until in striking range, which he then slams both his fists backhanding the flame humanoid's face. Rainbow couldn't help but smirk at how awesome his fighting style was

"Vee Headbutt!" Instantly charging in, Veemon headbutts Meramon's gut, making it double over and clutch the area. Sunset admired his courage to charge into danger, making her feel anything is possible.

"Diamond Storm!" Jumping into the air, Renamon unleashes a flurry of shards at the Digimon, all piercing it. Rarity though was more admiring the attack as she seen elegance in each shard.

"Metal Ball barrage!" Dorumon unleashes several spheres of metal at a swift rate, all hitting Meramon. Twilight was honestly astounded and confused by how the spheres were launched from his maw.

Meramon was getting angry now, as it glared and channeled intense heat over it's body. "MAGMA BLAST!"

"Boom Bubble!" Patamon inhaled a large gulp of air before unleashing a blast that diminished some of the flames surrounding Meramon, decreasing the intensity of the heat and several of the flaming projectiles. Fluttershy couldn't help but be in awe and admire the spunk Patamon clearly has.

"I got ya!" Yells Candlemon. While he stood in front of Pinkie Pie, he opened his mouth and sucked hard. The remaining projectiles from the Magma Blast were drawn to him and he ate each one. Upon closing his mouth, he licks his lips before a small burp escapes. This causes Pinkie to giggle.
"Oh, you're a keeper alright!" She says.

"Welp, best to shake this up in a rolling way. Diamond Shell!" Armadillomon smirks as he curled up, soon spinning his shell like a tire and strikes at Meramon. Applejack was stunned, but smiled at seeing him work hard on hitting his target while spinning.
"That fell'r is as darin' as Rainbow."

The Meramon had taken so many hits, it's flames were very weak as it stumbled. Unable to handle the pain any further, it starts to dissolve into red dust. Takato looks to the girls Digimon partners, but is surprised none were absorbing the defeated digimon's data. He knew the girls wouldn't understand, but digimon usually absorbed the data of those they defeat to become stronger. Their actions to the data also confused him. They seemed disgusted or unhappy at its sight. These questions seemed to be unanswerable until they were known better, so Takato put those thoughts on the back burner.

Looking over to Sunset, Takato seen something that reminded him of his first experience.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" yells Rainbow Dash. Gaomon smirks and puffs his chest in pride.

"So CUTE!" Screams Fluttershy as she death cuddles Patamon, who giggles bashfully.

"My word, you were so elegant, darling!" Rarity compliments the silver Renamon, who held a slight blush from the compliment.

"So fascinating... How did you fire those spheres from your mouth when they were metallic?" Asked Twilight. Dorumon chuckles and starts geeking out with Twilight.

"Well, ya definitely have raw power, partner. Think you'd be able ta do farm work?" Asks Applejack. Armadillomon smiles and nods.

"I now have to set up a Meeting Our Digimon Partners party to commemorate today! Oh! Oh! And make it an ANNIVERSARY sort of thing!" Pinkie Pie explains excitedly. Candlemon seemed to like this.
"Oh yeah! I'll help with the lighting!"

Takato was shocked no one was panicking. Just who were these girls? Unfortunately, he's pulled from his thoughts from a slight tugging. Looking over, he sees Guilmon with a begging look.
"Can we join the party, Takatomon?"

Takato couldn't help but laugh.
"Of course, Guilmon. We'll join as well if they don't mi-"
Suddenly, he is pulled into a hug by
Pinkie Pie.
"Of COURSE you're invited, silly! We wouldn't be together if you weren't here!"

While feeling slightly uncomfortable from the sudden hug, Takato looks at the other girls who were shaking their heads and smiling, chalking it up to Pinkie just being Pinkie.

"W-well, okay then. Thanks for the invite." Chuckles Takato.

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