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I am asked to go to class because Asher and the other guys are needed in the Principal’s office.

At home, I am not even myself. I skipped lunch and dinner and I am very worried about Asher the most. I like him, that’s the truth...and the way I feel for him right now has confirmed it.

I can remember how dirty his shirt was when he stood up. What would you expect? He was lying on wet grass so yeah, his uniform got stained.

I cried myself to sleep and the next day, I wake up feeling week and tired and my legs feel so stiff.

“Karen!? Why are you still on your bed? You have to go to school.” Aunt Michelle comes in.

“I do-don’t wanna go to school today.” I sniff into my tissue.

“But you have a test today...you have to go.”

My legs are stiff, they can’t even move. I feel so tired and weak, and hot, and my fingers are numb. I did not even read for Civic, Physics and Food and Nutrition test so how the hell am I going to write with confidence?


“Your siblings are gone, you have to go too. Okay c’mon. Just try to stand up and shower.”

She comes over to my bed and helps me up. My shower is very short and slow and I get out of the bathroom in no time.

While I put on my uniform, she talks to me about everything I told her last night.

“Honey, you don’t have to cry ok? Just try to be strong. I know you like Asher a lot, and I understand how you feel because I used to be a teen and I passed through all these, but you just have to be yourself. You might be the only one crying this much for them. I know their fathers did an unfair thing but what could you do? Nothing. That’s because you don’t own any of them completely, so think of yourself too. They might not even be hurting this much and you’re crying. It’s okay honey.” She pecks my forehead and rubs my arm.

“I didn’t read for my test.” I sniff.

“You’re a smart girl. I’m sure you’ll remember what you’ve been taught so far ok?”

I nod and tie my laces before leaving.

I get to my class when the first test is about to start. Mrs Tolu is just leaving the class and she has a worried look on her face. I greet her and go into class.

“Hey,” I say to Aina. “Where are they?”

“Got a ten days suspension. At least, they’ll come for dinner party,” she replies.

Ouch! That hurts. A lot. Like I’m getting a burn in my chest.

“Where’s Zara?”

“Haven’t seen her. I think she’s missing school and test today.”

I rub my temple and bring out my Civic note. I cannot even concentrate. There’s nobody to pass a note to me, or kick my leg, or pull my braids or give the other a mean stare. Class is so boring.

Immediately I finish my test, I go to the restroom to throw up, and I actually do. I feel sick, and thankfully, a cleaner was coming to wash the toilets.

“Student, are you ok?”

Guess she doesn’t know my name. I don’t expect her to.

“No. I’m sick,” I tell her.

“Who is your form teacher?”

“Mrs Tolu Beverly,” I reply. She goes out and calls Mrs Tolu. As usual, my form teacher has the heart of a mother and takes me to the sick bay. While I’m there, I feel pains on every part of my body so I silently cry.

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