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Your Pov:

Apollo and Kristoph were talking about the man's testimony while Dahlia listened in. I stood up and quietly slipped to the witness lobby. I pressed close to the door, a conversation reaching my ears.

I heard the prosecutor talking, "You better have a convincing excuse when we get in there. Or else your little secret, won't be so little anymore." I heard the man's voice, "O-Ok! Just don't let that secret out." I kept listening, but nothing else of interest was said. I quietly walked back to the bench. I nudged Apollo, who was looking through the evidence again.

"I just found something that might be a problem for us."

He looked at me, "What do you mean?" I sighed, "I...might've eavesdropped on the prosecutor and heard something I shouldn't have." He put the evidence down, "What did you hear?" I bit my lip, "Apparently, the witness has some kind of secret and the prosecutor knows about it."

Apollo nodded, "We'll have to try and get it out of him today. Hopefully it's nothing that will ruin our case." We all sat and went through the evidence, keeping what we needed and giving the unneeded evidence to Kristoph. What were were left with was the letter, the autopsy report, the knife, and something Kristoph gave us.

It was a black mask with a strand of black hair stuck on the inside.

I looked at Kristoph, "Where'd you find this?" He spoke, "I found it buried under some snow in front of the main temple. I thought it strange, so I kept it as evidence if it was needed."

I examined the mask. It was an all black, silicone mask with white elastic  strings to tie behind the wearers head. The face of the mask was just a smooth neutral expression. That's when I noticed something on one of the elastic strings.

It was a very small splotch of red.

I looked at Kristoph, "Is this blood?" He looked confused, "What? Show me." I turned the mask in his direction and showed him the small dot of blood on the string.

He spoke, "Intriguing. I'll go have this analyzed. I'll return soon." I gave him the mask back and he left the courthouse. I turned to Apollo, "We just have to hope that results come back the way we need them."

I continued, "One would be that the hair matches the witness's and the blood is the victim's and the other one is that the hair and blood matches the witness's." Apollo nodded, "That would be one way to save our case." We collected the evidence we had left and I put it in my satchel.

I stared towards the closed courtroom doors. I hoped Kristoph would be back with the results soon. I hoped that this mask would have something to do with that man's secret and why he was so anxious to cover up in the courtroom. I gripped my satchel.

I had a feeling that the next part of this trial...

Would be the final one.

That's Just the Way of the World (Ace Attorney x reader)Where stories live. Discover now