Chapter 6

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Sasuke flinched at the voice before turning around to meet his teammate. He gave the girl a slight nod. "Sakura. It's good to see you."

Sakura gave him a bright smile. "It's good to see you too! I thought we could go out to eat together! You know, since we're dating now."

"Of course. Just let me finish up my training. I have a few jutsus I would like to perfect." Sakura sighed, frowning at her boyfriend. "You work too hard. Anyways, that's fine." Sakura glanced around once more, furrowing her eyebrows when she didn't find what she was looking for.

Before she could open her mouth to speak, the raven beat her to it. "I don't know where Naruto is. He ran off when I told him we were dating." Sakura blinked once, before a concerned look appeared on her face.

"Oh? You think he might be jealous?" Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her. "I hope not. I wouldn't want him to feel bad."

"Right, right. I'll get out of your hair now." With that, Sakura flounced away, throwing a "Dinner at 6, don't be late!" over her shoulder.

The raven sighed, and went back to his training. It wasn't long before he was interrupted again though. "So, your little boyfriend ran away?" Sasuke snapped his head up, groaning when he saw a certain long haired boy.

"Neji." Sasuke growled. Said boy grinned. "So, what's up with you and Strawberry there? I didn't take you for the cheating type."

Sasuke sighed, putting up his weapons and dropping to the ground. By now, he'd given up on trying to train. "For the last time, Naruto and I are just friends. In fact, I'm dating Sakura now."

Neji widened his eyes. "Sasuke, you do know I was joking when I said you were grumpy and needed to get a girlfriend right?"

Groaning, Sasuke snapped at the shorter male. "Why the hell do you insist on talking to me?" Neji put a hand over his heart, faking hurt. "Why Sasuke, I thought we were friends!"

"You know, you really became a sarcastic bastard after your near death experience." The boy shrugged, moving over to lean on a tree. "You know, that wasn't a no..."

Sasuke threw a kunai at him. "I hate you." He glared at him. "Sure, whatever you say."

Sometime after the War:

Sasuke was sitting on a cliff at the edge of Konoha, letting his legs dangle in the air. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, welcoming the silence, however short lasted it was.

As the raven heard footsteps behind him, his guard was immediately raised, not budging when he recognized the chakra signature to be a familiar boy from his past.

Sasuke sighed. "What do you want? If you're here to get your revenge, just know that I'm not afraid of death, so killing me won't do any good."

The raven frowned, surprised when he heard a snort escape the boy behind him. "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you. Not sure why you would think that. You haven't done anything to me."

Sasuke 'hned' in response. "Back from Suna so soon? I'd have thought you would stay sooner considering how you were eying that redhead."

Sasuke could almost hear Neji frown behind him. "Wow, you have no filter whatsoever. I almost feel bad for Naruto."

A shuffling noise was heard as the long haired boy sat himself down next to the raven, wasting no time in making himself comfortable. "For your information, you brat, I'm not interested in him aside from his being the Hokage."

When Sasuke didn't respond, Neji continued. "Besides, you should be grateful I'm even talking to you. You did, after all, almost kill me."

"Why are you? Talking to me, that is? Shouldn't you hate me for being on the other side of a war that nearly got you killed? "

Neji frowned, and turned towards the sky, admiring the sunset. A memory of a laughing child was brought to the forefront of his memory as he lied through his teeth, "I don't know. Something inside of me is pulling me towards you."


Neji moved from his spot on the tree and moved to sit next to Sasuke, plopping down onto the grass. "So anyways, why are you with Sakura? Last time I checked, which was a few seconds ago, you were into guys, or, well, anyone whose name starts with Naruto. What changed?"

Sasuke dropped his head into his hands, groaning loudly. "I should never have confided in you about my stupid crush."

"No, you shouldn't have." Neji affirmed with a grin. "But you did, and I will never let you live it down." Sasuke sighed and threw himself back onto the grass, letting the grass tickle the side of his face.

"I need to revive my clan, and Sakura offered to help."

"Woah, seriously? This shit again? You know you're not responsible for the Uchiha clan, right?"

Sasuke shot the boy a glare. "So what do you want me to do? Sit back and let the sharingan perish?"

Neji groaned. "No, that's not what I mean, and you know it! I just-" The teen suddenly grew quiet.

Sensing his alarm, the raven fell silent as well. Less than a few seconds later, a certain pink haired medic nin skipped towards the two boys. "Sasuke~ let's go to dinner!"

"I thought you said six."

Sakura frowned at him. "I did. It's been 30 minutes." The raven groaned, realizing he'd lost track of time. "Alright let's go."

Sakura grinned and chirped out a cheerful, "Ok!"

With that, Sasuke let himself be dragged away, throwing a slightly apologetic glance at Neji. The brunette just sighed, and turned back to the clouds. "Shikamaru was right. Team 7 sure is troublesome."

Heyo! Im sure you guys must be confused as to why Neji is alive. Well the answer to that is because his death absolutely killed me, and this is my fanfic so therefor I can revive him!!! Hes not gonna die no more! Yayy! 

-seriously tho I bawled my eyes out.

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