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Sophie didn't wait for him to emphasize.

We need to get out of here, she signed. Sophie's fingers were whirling so quickly she was surprised Biana could make out the blurred gestures.

They're leaving, Biana noted.

Sophie risked a peek as the three men exchanged some sort of device, and walked briskly out of the alleyway, instantly re morphing into normal-looking pedestrians.

She let out a breath and followed them out of the darkness.

"What was that?" Dex demanded as the two spies fell into a regular sync beside them.

"Tell you when we get back to headquarters," Biana whispered under her breath. Her hand slipped into Sophie's pocket, and she felt something small being left inside....

She could recognize the shape- a hard drive.

Biana has recorded the entire conversation.

"Guys... I don't think we're going back to headquarters..." Fitz warned urgently.

Dex groaned. "Don't tell me you lost the keys-"

"Or the car!" Biana put in, elbowing her brother teasingly.

But Sophie's eyes had already narrowed like a laser on the dark convertible they'd chosen....

Surrounded by Black Swan agents.

Biana let out a string of colorful words. "Hide? Run? Both?"

"RUN!" Sophie screamed, sprinting across the parking lot. Her feet slammed against the pavement as the sound of Black Swan agents chasing after them made her heart hammer.

"We can't outrun them!" Fitz yelled. "They've had years and years of intensive training-"

"Gee thanks!" Biana shouted back at him. "That made me feel a whole lot better!"

Sophie cursed as she glanced behind her. 

"Can you climb?" Dex asked, staring at the metal fence in front of them.

Sophie gripped the first metal bar and hoisted herself on top. Her foot found another ledge as she managed to grab hold of another ring, and when she finally reached the top...

"Agent SF if you do not-"

A shriek ran out and Sophie whirled around to find all three of her friends being pinned by the Black Swan agents...

Sophie ignored the voices yelling after her as she landed hard on the concrete.

And for a second- it looked like she was going to make it. She could see a thick patch of greenery where it was sure to be easy to blend in-

"Got her!" An agent screamed.

She stumbled to a stop as two more agents appeared in front of her. Sophie bit her lip.


"Get in the car," Agent Leto growled, his tone dangerous. "Now."


"Let me get this straight," Agent Leto confirmed through gritted teeth, sounding frustrated. "First you use illegal databases to track down our agents. Then against every single agent protocol, you sneak out before hours, steal a car, do something secretive that you still won't tell us, run away from enemy agents, and- this is one of the worst -keep running even when your leaving your friends behind?"

"Sounds about right," Sophie agreed, not an ounce of regret in her tone.

Agent Leto gave another impatient growl and went back to pacing the dark room.

It was the standard cold, hard space- with one dangerous exception.

Sophie was handcuffed.

Like a prisoner.

"I need answers, Sophie," Leto demanded suddenly, stopping as he slammed his hands down on the table in front of her. 

She flinched. "Or what?"

He noted the challenge in her eyes, and sighed. "I need to know what you were doing there. I know you and your friends. You're skilled. You're talented. But never in a million years would I think you guys would do all this."

He waved his hand around in the air, gesturing to the giant mess they'd stirred.

"The gossip is out of control, the rumors are off the roof, and there's so much pressure from the Collective and-"

"Alvar Vacker is a traitor," Sophie blurted loudly.

Her words echoed off the metal walls, seeming to bounce in the air for a moment.

Agent Leto gave a low chuckle. "Oh and that's another thing to add on to your list of charges- blaming a Vacker. You do understand how essential they are to our organization? How vital they're name is to our long going battles? The Vacker name goes back and back and back- tracing back to the very beginnings of our agency."

His face hardened as he added, "Accusing him could count as treason."

Sophie tried to steel her anger. "I am not kidding with you-"

"And neither am I," Agent Leto snapped, looking irritated. "I could easily kick you out right here and now, send you back as a normal kid living a normal life-"

"I dare you," Sophie practically seethed.

"But you are too essential to our agency in too many ways you don't and can't understand. So for now- probatio. Twenty four hour watch," Agent Leto informed her.

He walked closer. "And you don't deserve this either."

Hanging on her neck was the familiar glass monocle pendant, marked with the agency's symbol: the sign of the swan. The necklace was earned only when a spy proved and swore themselves fealty to the organization- and just like that, he ripped it off her neck with a sharp tug.

"Earn it when your ready."

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