Leo my Soul CH. 6

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It was a month since my transformation. And my life was turning for the better. I had explained to Aleecia that I just went out with my mom and went to get a make over, no big deal. She believed it. The best part was the jealousy from Mindy and her crew of Nancy and Oliva. No one wanted to be their friend anymore. With being beautiful, and having a sexy popular boyfriend, I developed a voice.

After everything that has happened to you, you do seem to develop this thing called a voice.. not most people get it -you see at this age, parents wont allow it. I think parents are more afraid of our voice. Knowing that we are much smarter than we seem. But with this weapon it can be used for evil much more than it can be used for good.. my voice however i use for myself. I always thought I may not be as smart as the girl to my left or as pretty as the girl to my right is.. but I know what powers I have now. I know people will use me, get close to me then back stab me. Only the selected few from my past i will continue to speak to throughout my new life. One person for sure I'll continue to talk to is my Leo.

In Art, I was a better artist then I had ever been. I was even shocked at times- looking at my drawings and asking myself if I really made that. My brain activity increased dramatically, I was more creative then I was before. I thought more about things before I did them. I studied more about Vampires and their history. Not much made seance yet. But I knew in great times Leo will explain everything to me.

It was Christmas time, and the cold didn't bother me one bit. Leo told me I still have to act like it did though. He explained alot to me, the things I can and cant do with my new powers and thrilling life. I kinda felt like I was in a movie, always having to act out parts, act like I was cold, or too warm, like something hurt when I felt no pain.

I was barley home, since Leo was only seconds away I liked staying at his house. His house was so European looking, the cream colors and vintage decorations. His room made me feel safe, black and white with a vase of my favorite rose flowers.

Christmas eve, I was creative with our love. I picked out my own sexy Santa lingerie that I made sure showed my stomach. Leo was in bed, reading. He loved reading. It was dark out, and I quickly went to the bathroom down the hall. I quickly dressed and curled my hair, I brushed through the curls to make them bouncy. I put on a little bit of red lip stick, and black eye liner. I took out my secret Christmas surprise that was really going to turn get his attention. It wasn't long until I was at Leo's door way, one hand up and the other had the secret bag.

Leo sniffed and looked up, he did that sexy smile of his and put down his book. His shirt was already off and was just wearing pajama pants. I walked slowly over to the bed, seductively crawled on top of him. He was excited, I could feel it in his skin.

"What's in the bag beautiful?" he asked with a curious eye.

 "close your eyes.." I whispered.

He did as he was told, and I opened the bag. He sniffed, and smiled, his fangs were out. In my secret bag was a small bottle of type AB blood. I opened the bottle and poured it down my stomach. He sniffed again, "Makenna, where did you get this?" "Blood banks aren't very secure now a days." I whispered in his ear. He smiled, "No they are, just not secure enough for a sneaky little vampire like you." A laughed when he went down and licked up all the dripping blood off my stomach, moaning and giggling when he'd got lower and lower. I saved the last drop of blood to Sauveur on my lips. He loved that part.

It was May, flowers were blooming, relationship's were starting, and the gossip gets better. Aleecia and I were planing out our trip to Texas in two weeks. Leo was in the kitchen making us lunch, while us girls where in Alecia's living room with a map and note book.

"OK so if we take this road out, we should be there within seventeen hours? No, that's not right.." Aleecia scratched her blond hair. I wish I could tell her if she would just jump on my back I could run us to Texas in a matter of minutes.

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