Leo my soul CH. 4

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  I learned that I was like a princess in Leo’s eyes. He would fight for me, he would let me stand on the balcony as I watch him cut the heads off of the unworthy. I liked the feeling.

In school Leo didn’t let anyone get to me. He’d put his arm around my waist when someone gave me a nasty look. I never did anything to anyone, it was all jealousy. I felt new to the school, people that never looked at me or noticed my existence now took an interest in me. That was good and bad.. Fake girls tried to be my friend. At first asshole guys would try to hit on me, testing to see if I was considered ‘Easy’ (to get in bed.)

Quickly they were proven wrong because Leo was near. When Leo was around, I was safe from those types of guys. Leo Ruben was my protector, I’ve only known him for a short time, but already have these new feelings of protection, happiness, and love to me.

    I went to Miss. Jenet’s Figure Studio to hand in my drawing.

“Why Makenna, this is outstanding. I feel as if Mr. Ruben is actually come out of the paper.” she examined my art even more. “I’m very proud of your work Makenna.” I smiled, I was also pleased with how it all turned out. 

    At first I didn’t want to give my heart to Leo, afraid he would break it, or use me. I know I should trust him more, since he seems to trust me with a lot of things. Every night he comes into my bed room and lets me fall asleep on his chest. He trusts me not to tell my parents, which I barley even talk to. It was wrong for Leo to be with me, to take “interest” in me. It was wrong for me to fall asleep on him, to listen to his heart beat, to feel his soft skin touch my bruised up, beaten skin.

    Although, it was right to feel this loved by someone..

“May I tell you something Makenna?” he kissed my forehead when I looked up at him.


He took a sharp breath, “I’ve never opened up this much to someone. I don’t ever want to hurt you- we don’t need to rush this, lets take it slow.”

 I agreed, “I don’t wanna mess this up like I did with my last relationship.”

He smiled and kissed my head. It made me think if that’s really what he wanted to tell me.

 “Makenna, tonight. I have to tell you something.”

I looked up to him, “What’s that?”

He made a small smirk, “Tonight my love.”

    It was Friday morning, Leo left out my window an hour ago, before the sun peaked through. I woke up today determined to do two things today break up with John and be with Leo.

    I did my regular routine of brushing my hair and teeth, I’ve started wearing make up more to impress Leo. He still tells me I don’t need it because I’m beautiful without it. I don’t care.

    My door bell rand and I hurried downstairs. It was Leo, his perfect innocent smile made my heart melt.

     “I’m here to walk you to school.” he said proudly. I blushed, no one has ever walked me to school before.

    “Come in, I’ll only be a minute.”

When I was done dressing I found Leo waiting for me in my doorway. I smiled sheepishly, he always looks so good.

    His presents linger over me. When he holds my hand I feel this shield over me, like as if nothing can get to me. In class, I look at him as if he’s an angle. I don’t know how he knows when I look at him, because every time I do he always looks back. He smiles that sweet innocent smile, and I look away, blushing.

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