My mate is a HE?!

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Heya people! New book...again! Cheers!

This time though, I'm doing a different kind of book..

Werewolf (man x man) *claps*

But If this is not your kind of book, I suggest you stop reading now *wink wink*

So this story is dedicated to *drum rolls*

@iamjungkook yaaaassss! *Applause*

So she suggested vkook, jinkook or jikook, and who did I choose?

Well, you gotta read it to find out!

Thank you for the suggestion hun! I hope you guys enjoy this book cause I'm gonna try my best soo.... Happy reading and don't forget to vote!

Love xoxo

-YJ <3

My Mate is a HE?!Where stories live. Discover now