Emma pov The new life with the new babes

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Maykayla and kaylin are so cute the nurses gave them little hats kaylins is a gray and blue owl with green eyes and maykayla is a pink and gray owl with orange eyes. We all get to leave today I can't wait!
J: hey Em
E: yea jax?
J: umm can u make a few bottles for the kids they both are crying
E: yea but how do I..... U know
J: oh... Breastfeed?
E: yea how?
He explained it to me
E: oh so do I pull down my shirt to?
J: uhh well of course
He started to laugh
E: oh shut up... Lol... Now leave so I can take off my shirt and yea know
J: oh I'm not leaving
E: why?
J: because I wanna make sure you are doing it right
E: or is it because you will get to see me half naked
J: that two
He started to smirk
J: but really U need to hurry
E: ok ok
I started to U know
J: EWWW Em ur boobs look disgusting but they are huge witch I like its a win lose situation
E: thanks jax... Feeling the love
J: Em I don't care what the look like only if there all mine witch they are
E: exuse me?
J: I'm just kidding take it easy
E: whatever.... Ouchhhhhh! THIS REALLY HURTS
J: you will get used to it
After I was done we feed them then we went home
One pink and one blue appeared in the spare bedroom in the magic realm house that used to jaxes dads house witch is now ours. We already set up our room and stuff. We had everything for the kids~ clothes cribs dipers bottels changing table baby bags and etc. we laid them down in there cribs and the fell asleep and soon did we...

Jemma(Jax and Emma) every witch wayWhere stories live. Discover now