Emma pov

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I woke up in a white room on the floor there is no bed there's nothing in here but white walls whit tile floors and a white door I got up to open the door it was locked
Where am I? What am I doing here? What's my name? Who brought me here? Where's my family? Do I have a family? Do I have sister? Or a brother? Where's my mom? Do I have a mom or a dad? Question kept flooding my mind I can't remember anything. What's going on??
Umm Excuse me? I asked
Could anyone here me?
Hello? I asked
Where am I? I asked again
Someone started to talk but I couldn't See anyone
V: oh hello Emma
E: who is Emma?
V: are u okay?
E: I don't know?
V: what ur name?
E: I don't know.....
V: so u don't remember anything
E: umm... I don't think so
V: WHAT HAPPEND!!! Why can't she remember anything
he yelled to someone else.. Them the door open and there was a tall young man who had brown hair and brown eyes he looked at me and looked confused and then smiled
V: hello
E: hi....
V: your name is Emma
E: Emma?
V: yes and I am Daniel
E: Daniel .....
D: yes I am ur....... Boyfriend
E: oh......
D: yes now come alone Emma we have some business to take care of there is someone I want you to meet

Jemma(Jax and Emma) every witch wayWhere stories live. Discover now