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Happy new month!!!!!!!
I'm super excited it's the first day of August!!!!!!!
Despite everything, COVID19 and all I'm still alive to see the  8thmonth of year 2020!!!!!!!!!!

As they say,
Light shines brighter when there is darkness.
Enjoy ❤


was born in sin,
Covered by sin,
Did all kinds of sin
Hoping I was never seen.

Darkness was my dwelling
Where the light shines not i dwelled in.
Flourishing in evil and sin 
Hoping i was never seen.

I went to church no doubt,
But deep down there was a doubt.
Is there  heaven or he'll?
Is there redemption or condemnation?
Is  there salvation?
Is there a cross or curse?

I did whatever pleased me
For it's in that pleasure I get "fulfilled".
Fulfilling all my desires,
Dseries not even I can quench 
Desires of lust and flesh.
Hoping I was never seen.

So in that darkness I "flourished"
Putting self over salvation
Pride and power I nourished.
I became a chief of sin 
Hoping I was never sin
But how silly of me.

A darkness so thick, 
Thicker than Night,
Yet no match for light.
Caught up with my sin,to realise I have been seen.
Too concentrated on sin,to notice the light.
That light that penetrates the darkness,
Beaming it's brightness.

That light that exposed my sins,
Sins I thought were covered now discovered and made open.
Sins done at night, now brought to light.

I thought no one was watching, 
Thought the darkness was enough to keep all eyes from watching.
Little did I know there was that Eye.

Even the thickest of darkness could not compete HIS brightness.

That eyes that sees from above,
Piercing the thickest of darkness with HIS brightness.
Bringing all hidden sin to judgement.

With my sins discovered,
And my deeds uncovered
I stand at his feet awaiting my judgement.
With teary eyes I await that judgement.
A judgement that cause me to wonder 
Will the judge show mercy?
Will the cross plead  for me?
Will I be redeemed or condemned?

Will I be saved?


So please don't forget to check out my second book.
This write up is for those who are struggling with sin, and have lost all hope.
Always remember that no matter how deep in sin we are there is that Eyes that sees all our deeds and is willing to help us out. All we need do is accept HIS light.
To my readers though few, I love you all so much. Thanks for  the support.


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