The Break Down

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When Mia woke up from being hit in the head, she could barely move. Her head was throbbing and even though her eyes were open, everything was still dark around her. She tried to stand up but realized her ankles were bound to a chair, and her hands were tied behind her back. "Finally the bitch woke up." Voice 1 said. "Now we can get down to business" voice 2 replied. Mia was still discombobulated from the blow to the head, and everything sounded muffled but she knew she wasn't alone.
"Hello!!!" Mia yelled. "Taj!! Tajjjjjjjjjjj!!!!!" She screamed! "Shut the fuck up" voice 1 yelled. "Oh my god, you killed him! And your going to kill me too aren't you!?" Mia Asked frantically! "I might.. if you don't cooperate!" Voice 2 replied. Mia began to tremble in terror. She was so scared all she could do was cry!
"Here's what's gonna happen, your gonna think of someone you know with lots of money! And your gonna call this person and let them know that if they don't get me five hundred thousand dollars by tomorrow at 6am sharp! I'm going to kill you and they will never see you again." Voice 2 said pressing a 22 caliber glock to Mia's head. Mia couldn't breath she was so terrified! As the gun touched her temple she cried louder and urine began running down her leg. She was shaking and trembling and had no clue what to do.
"My husband!" Mia said out loud. Still crying and shaking. You can call my husband he will wire you the money. "Bravo what's your husbands number? " voice 2 said. Mia gave the person the number. She couldn't see anything, the bag over her head made it hard to breath, and her wrist and ankles were beginning to be rubbed raw from being tied up so tight. Mia was in so much pain from her head to her feet, but she couldn't even feel it due to how scared she was.
"Siiiiii papi! Dame masss" Yelled the nanny Sienna as Kaleem pounded her from behind! He had a hand full of her hair and was giving her fast deep strokes! She was loving every minute of it and could care less that he was married! "follame mas fuerte" Sienna demanded! Kaleem began pounding her faster and harder pulling her head back using her hair as leverage. She moaned and screamed enjoying every inch of him. "Ring ring ring" Kaleem heard his phone and picked it up to see who was calling. It was Mia calling! "Shusshhhhhh" he said to Sienna as he answered the phone! Sienna shoved her face into the pillows as Kaleem kept going never slowing down or changing stroke.
"Hello." He answered the phone. "Babe please come get me, he has a gun to my head, they want five hundred thousand dollars or their gonna kill me please hurry!" Mia said screaming and crying as voice number 2 held a gun to her head! He snatched the phone away and hit Mia on the head with the gun. "Ouuchhhhhh" Mia screamed as she continued crying. Then voice number 2 handed the third assailant the phone. Kaleem pushed sienna off him so fast she almost fell onto the floor.
"What!!!" he yelled!!! "You heard what your wife said. You have until 6am tomorrow morning to get here with five hundred thousand dollars cash! If you don't get here in time she's dead. If the cops show up she's dead. If for any reason you don't answer when we call she's dead. And if you even think about bringing a weapon and trying to be the hero she's dead. Bring the cash and you can have your wife back! Anything else funky, fishy or indifferent, she will not live I promise." The third assailant said. He gave Kaleem the address to the abandoned warehouse they took Mia to and then hung up.
Mia kept crying and crying! She was terrified! And she kept wondering if Taj was ok. Hours had passed and Mia finally calmed down enough to begin asking questions. "What did y'all do to Taj" she said. No one answered.
     "Can someone please take this bag off my head I can barely breath." She said. Still no one answered.
"I just want to know he's ok and get a little oxygen" she screamed.
     "Someone shut her the fuck up! Can someone put a sock in her mouth before I sock her in it!" Voice number 1 said. "No ... she wants answers. Let's give them to her while we wait for her pathetic ass lying cheating husband to arrive." Voice number 2 said. At that moment Mia knew exactly who had kidnapped her and she was even more afraid. She gasped as she recognized the voice. The third assailant walked up behind her and snatched her bag off her head. Who did she see once the bag was removed?
    Non other than Nesai. She began crying and screaming!" You evil mutha fucka" Mia yelled!! Nesai laughed at Mia. "You dramatic bitch, are you scared ...?" He said unenthusiastically! Mia nodded her head as she cried. "Good you should be, now shut yo crybaby ass up and let me break it down to you HOW YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!" Nesai said. "First off I ain't want your man honey! He wanted me! We met while I was working at Jamba Juice and I had to process his refund... he sent me flowers everyday for 3 days with a card attached, and on the last day he sent a flower every hour to complete his number. He told me to call him if I wanted dinner. Nesai paused and starred her in the eye.
       "Oh my goddd how could I be so dumb!" Mia cried aloud as she looked to her left to see Ali and Taj circling around her from the side. Taj just stared at Mia and didn't say anything. Mia stared back and spit at him! "How could you!!!!" She screameddd! Nesai chuckled "oh you thought he really loved you, well don't you feel silly!" "You left me high and dry! I lost everything!" He said getting louder and more serious! "I have no money! I lost the house! I'm driving around in a beat up mini van! Because your man didn't know what he wanted, and you took it out on me! He's the dog not me! He played the both of us!" Nesai Finished pulling his gun back out! 
        "You know what I should just kill your ass right now" he said pointing the gun at Mia. "Chill bro! Focus on the money!" Taj Said "Bro?" Mia screamed "yes ofcourse my brother. Don't you see the resemblance?" said Nesai Still pointing the gun at Mia. "FUCK OFFFF!" Mia replied, as she notice the two were both lighter complexion with freckles and colored eyes. She was so upset at herself for letting her guard down and going against her better judgement. "KILL ME JUST FUCKIN KILL ME!" Mia screamed! "Ok" said Nesai
     "Noooooooooo!" Taj screamed as he knocked the gun out Nesai's hands and it flew across the floor! "You got feelings for this bitch?!" Nesai asked Taj! Before Taj could answer Kaleem burst through the doors and saw the gun on the ground! He immediately started running towards it. Nesai began to run towards it as well! They both reached the gun at the same exact time and began to struggle with each other trying grab it. Nesai begins to grab the gun and try to pull it away from Kaleem when POP!! The gun went off and blood splattered everywhere!

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