Desperate Times Calls For Desperate Measures!

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"What the fuck?" Screamed Mia as she gathered the children and some of their belongings. Kaleem this is the last straw "I'm going to my mother's to drop the kids off for a few days and when I get back to this house after dropping them off you better not have 1 remnant of anything that has to do with you in this fucking house! I want everything that could possibly remind me of you GONE!!! From your cars to your tooth paste! I want that shit out of my house!"
Kaleem looked at the ground ashamed of all the drama he had caused and said "Baby I can explain" Mia yelled "shut the fuck up talkin to me and get your shit and get the fuck out! I gotta drive 3 hours out of town and 3 hours back! You have roughly 6 hours to dis the fuck appear! Make it happen and make it fast!" Kaleem didn't try to change her mind instead he just nodded ok and began packing his things as fast as he could. He never seen Mia so upset with him and didn't want to worsen the situation. After all, she did just have a street fight with someone she didn't even know all because of his messy ass ways. He had put her though enough over the course of their 13 year relationship and he needed to let her to cool off.
Mia took the kids and headed to go drop them off. Meanwhile Kaleem plotted on how he was going to fix the situation. He packed all of his things to get out of her way and be gone before she got back like she told him to do. Kaleem finished packing the majority of his stuff with 15 minutes to spare. He then wrote Mia a note that read, "I'm sorry for all the turmoil I've brought into your life. I've taken the majority of my things and hired professional movers to come back for my cars and major items that I couldn't carry. They will be here at 10am tomorrow. I've also left the divorce papers on the bed and I hope you enjoy your drama free life without me from here on out. Sincerely Kaleem."
When Mia arrived home later that night she was a hot emotional mess. She cracked open her favorite bottle of whine and began to remove every photo of her and Kaleem from the wall. She bagged up every piece of jewelry he ever bought her along with her designer shoes and purses and decided she was gonna sell them and save the money. She decided she wasn't going to fight him in the divorce settlement, or ask him for anything because she had signed a prenup thinking this day would never come. Mia stayed up all night crying, cleaning and saging every room in her huge home.
The next morning Mia still couldn't sleep. She tried to keep her mind busy by doing yoga and calling some friends over, but truth be told she was heart broken and would have to address it sooner or later.
After Kaleem had left the house he got a hotel for the night. He tried calling Nesai but his calls were going straight to voicemail. He called Nesai over 40 times leaving multiple voicemails trying to apologize, and explain why he lied. Nesai wasn't having any of that!
Kaleem sat in his hotel room becoming more and more depressed and upset with himself. He began thinking, how the fuck did he lose it all. He had the man, he had the woman, and now he had no one! This didn't sit well with Kaleem's ego. How could they just drop him like a hot potato he was the best thing that ever happened to them and they were trippin. So Kaleem decided to pop up at Nesai's door the next morning.
"Ooooooooooo turn that shit up" Ali said from Nesai's living room while rolling up a 8th of some cookies in a wood. "Alexa turn the music all the way up" Nesai said from the kitchen while pouring 2 glasses of 1942 Don Julio for them to sip on. "I'm in love with MaryJane , she is my main thang, she make me feel alright , she make my heart sang!" The two began singing out loud as Ali sparked the blunt and Nesai sat Ali's glass of liquor down on the table. Getting ready to sip his liquor Nesai started dancing and vibing to the music. Ali passed him the blunt but as soon as he took his first puff , (Knock knock knock) the two heard a knock at the door!
Nesai went to open the door and to his suprise it was Kaleem with a black eye and another fat lip! "Ewwwwwww! You don't look to good" Nesai said. "Righhhttttttt! who fucked you up?" Joked Ali. "I know you done fucked over the wrong one" added Nesai! And the two both busted up laughing! Kaleem didn't say anything he just looked like a sad puppy looking at Nesai trying to think of what to say. He finally interrupted their laughter and said "Ali can you excuse yourself I need a moment with my husband." Nesai answered for her "Hell no she can't ! Whatever you want to say to me you can say it in front of my sister!"
Kaleem began talking " First off I'm sorry for all the drama. You know I wasn't out the closet yet and I'm honestly glad you came to my house because now I can be myself and I don't have to fake straight anymore. So for that I want to thank you. Secondly I gave Mia some divorce papers to sign so I can legally be one hundred percent yours and we can move forward with our future. I apologize for not being honest from the beginning. I wasn't shit but I would love to be a better man for you if you'll let me."
Ali rolled her eyes, looked at Nesai and said "Should I kick this nigga out or do you want to?" But just like that Nesai was putty in Kaleem's hands all over again. "Shut up Ali. I got my man backkk!" Nesai said in excitement! Ali caught an attitude and excused herself! "Call me if you need me but I got better shit to do then to watch this train wreck that's about to take place" Ali said as she stormed out the door. Nesai went to the kitchen and got Kaleem an ice pack for his wounds "I'm sorry I had to beat yo ass but you keep trying me" Nesai said. Kaleem responded "It's ok... I deserved it for playing with your feelings." And just like that the two were back on like nothing ever happened.
For the rest of the month Kaleem stayed with Nesai. Neither one of them heard anything from Mia and things were smooth sailing. When moving day came Nesai was ecstatic! He had everything picked out for their new home, and he had an interior designer coming to help him out with the finishing touches on everything! For about 6 months Nesai felt like a trophy husband! He was going everywhere with Kaleem! He cooked him dinner every night ! Gave him blowjobs every morning, and ofcourse they had date night every Saturday! Everything seemed perfect! Until one day Kaleem received a call while he was at work from his attorney.
When Kaleem answered the phone, the attorney said "I have your divorce papers signed and your ex wife is ready to finalize the divorce." Kaleem felt a weight lifted off his shoulders! He could finally completely move on with Nesai and not worry about things with Mia coming back to bite him in the ass.
The attorney went on to say "we have to have a sit down meeting with you, your legal team, your ex wife, and her legal team so you guys can agree on the custodial orders for the children. You ex wife doesn't want them around Nesai due to the front yard brawl she is saying he is violent and a danger to the children". "Ok what day is she available" Kaleem asked. "We have set the meeting for next Monday at 7am that's the only time she says will work for her." The attorney answered. Kaleem said "ok I'll be there. Got to get this over with."
When Kaleem arrived home that night he told Nesai all about the call over dinner. Nesai wasn't thrilled but was completely ready for his divorce to be finalized! For the rest of the week Kaleem was on edge nervous to see Mia. He hadn't even heard her voice since she made him leave the house he was still currently paying for.
On the day of the meeting Kaleem went in with high hopes, but as soon as he walked in all eyes were on him ! Everyone was already there sitting down and waiting for him. He greeted everyone saying "GoodMorning" but only his legal team responded. "Let's get down to business" Mias lead attorney said immediately. "My client is asking for sole custody with supervised visitation." Kaleem's attorney was ready to argue but before he could respond Kaleem said " That's fine. As long I can visit whenever I want. I haven't seen my children in 6mos and it's not fair to them to feel that I don't care about them because their mother refuses to talk to me or allow me to stop by."
"Absolutely not! Every Friday after school for 3 hours at max" Mias attorney rebutted. Kaleem looked at a irritated disgusted Mia and said "really" Mia looked down as if she didn't care to empathize with him. "Fine" Kaleem replied. "Oh and you can keep the house the cars and access to our joint bank account I'm sorry I hurt you and I don't desire to make life any harder on you." He added as he signed the paperwork and stormed out of the meeting.
After the meeting Kaleem sat in his car and just thought to himself how could he let his life become a mess like this... there was nothing he could do to change it now so he drove home and tried to relax before Nesai got home from his morning jog. He sat on the couch rolled up a joint and turned on the news just to stay in touch with the world. Right as he began to accept his not so pleasant reality he received a call from some one he never expected to hear from.... Mia!
Kaleem immediately answered the phone and said "hello?" In disbelief. Mia began speaking and said. "Hello.. yeah it's me I just wanted to thank you for allowing your children to keep the good life we created for them and me as well... I was wondering if you wanted to come over and enjoy dinner with them tonight they miss you and you kinda owe them an explanation as to why you left them for your new husband and haven't returned." "Ok what time should I be there" Kaleem replied. "How's 6?" Mia asked. "Works fine" Kaleem said.
Kaleem didn't tell Nesai he was going for dinner with Mia and the kids instead he told Nesai he had to meet with an investor for work. Nesai didn't question it he had a new found trust for Kaleem because it had been 6 months and Kaleem had given him no reason not trust him since the front yard brawl. When Kaleem left Nesai just chilled and talked on the phone with his sister Ali.
"Daddyyyyyyy" the kids screamed as Kaleem walked through the door. They missed him so much! "Daddy do you like men" Kaleem's daughter Mielle asked getting straight to the point. She looked just like him dark with long curly hair, a picture perfect smile, and honey brown colored eyes. She was the oldest 10 years old. His son Micah followed her statement "Yea dad Grandma said you was a booty bandit and I want to know what that is". Micah took after his mom with more Asian features, and lighter skin, he had a fresh hair cut, and was already 5'4 at the age of 9. Kaleem was embarrassed but getting ready to answer when Mia began walking down the stairs. She looked amazing with her hair straightened out, a floral print high waisted dress on that flailed out at the bottom, and of-course a new pair of red bottoms. She interrupted the conversation saying "kids be appropriate! Your dad will explain what's going on to you over dinner! Until then why don't you catch him up on what's going on with school and sports." The kids did as they were told and Mia prepared the table.
The four of them sat at the table and Kaleem explained everything. He explained to the kids that he made some bad choices, but that doesn't change the fact that he loves them very much, and will always be their dad and be there for them for whatever they want or need. The children were confused, shocked, and irritated, but they accepted it. After dinner Kaleem watched a movie with the kids until they grew tired. He then tucked them in and went to speak with Mia in private.
When he stepped into his old bedroom he could tell Mia didn't want to talk. So he lead with " I'll always love you! I'm sorry for all the pain I've brought you." Mia looked disgusted but accepted the apology. Kaleem turned around to walk out but Mia pulled him back in towards her.
      She kissed his lips passionately, and then stepped back and threw her panties at him. Kaleem was turned on and couldn't resist. As he walked towards her she turned her back to him and began crawling on the bed. He stood at the edge of the bed and unzipped his pants. She didn't bother getting naked she just backed up onto his penis and began to throw it back passionately! She moaned "oh my god I missed this dick!" He responded " I missed you too wife" he grabbed a hand full of her hair and began to give her long deep and hard strokes ! She screamed in pleasure "Fuccckkkk yeeessssss" her pussy was creamier than it had been in years. She wanted him so bad her body accepted every inch of his dick without hesitation!
He began to get more and more turned on he grabbed her neck from the back and started choking her ! At that moment his penis slipped out and she squirted all over his pants and the bed covers. Kaleem was so turned on he shoved his dick right back inside her and kept stroking! She moaned louder and louder screaming his name and gripping the sheets! And before he knew it he exploded in pure ecstasy.
      Kaleem immediately felt guilty after and rushed his way out the door to get home to Nesai. He just knew Nesai was gonna be home and pissed the fuck off that he wasn't back by the time he said he would be. To his suprise Nesai wasn't even home when he got there he just left a note that said "Drama at Ali's house I'll be back ASAP" Kaleem immediately hopped in the shower and got into the bed to appear as if he had been home for a while when Nesai did get back.
Around 12am Nesai climbed into bed and said "You'll never guess what type of night I had!" Kaleem listened to the whole story attentively about how Nesai had to pull up on Ali and her new girlfriend Leah, and stop Ali from stabbing her because Leah had the nerve to put her hands on Ali! "Did they break up?" Kaleem asked. "No I guess being dumb run in our family" Nesai answered. Kaleem didn't say anything, and the two went to bed.
The next few months went by fast ! Nesai was getting used to the visitation Kaleem had with his children, and Kaleem was enjoying seeing Mia every Friday. He was back to his old ways of having his cake and trying to eat it to. Nesai tried his best to be as understanding as possible until Mia started calling all throughout the week demanding Kaleem come see his kids. Nesai played it cool at first but things were becoming to much!
Nesai took two more months of the random constant calls before he answered the phone himself and told Mia not to call unless it was about the kids on Kaleem's visitation day. This infuriated Mia so much she cut off all communication with Kaleem and stopped letting him see his kids all together. Kaleem began to have an attitude with Nesai feeling like Nesai was ruining his relationship with his kids. Nesai didn't care. Kaleem was his husband and he wasn't about to tolerate the games Mia was playing!
Kaleem was walking around Nesai like his world was crashing down everyday, falling further and further into depression and Nesai could tell. So one day while the couple was watching a movie Nesai decided to spontaneously hop on top of Kaleem and begin kissing on his neck trying to cheer him up. Kaleem tried to keep up the mad front, but his penis was telling a whole different story as it became erect.
Nesai began stroking his penis with hand before sitting on it and bouncing up and down passionately. "Oooooohhhh I love you" Nesai moaned. Kaleem at this point was completely turned on and said "I love you to". Kaleem held Nesai tight and flipped him over into missionary on the couch! He passionately stroked him in and out while sucking on his lips and neck. Nesai moaned loud enjoying every inch of Kaleem's dick inside him. Nesai began to stroke his own dick while Kaleem was still thrusting himself in and out of him. As Nesai got closer to orgasm he yelled "oh my godddd oh my godddd" before he busted all over Kaleem's torso! Kaleem kept going moaning and breathing heavy! He started stroking harder and faster ! He had so much frustration built up and he was taking it all out on Nesai! Nesai loved every minute of it "yess Kaleeeeeeem" Nesai screamed "fuck this ass" he moaned loudly. Kaleem still kept pounding Nesai grabbing his neck choking him! Nesai's eyes rolled to the back of his head! He yelled "oh my god fuck me fuck me just like that" Kaleem went deeper and Nesai could feel every inch of his dick. Nesai started moaning louder saying "yesss kaleem give it to me give me all of that dick" and finally Kaleem began to shake letting out one long single yell "aahhhhhhhhhh" he yelled aggressively unloading all his pent up frustration in one large nut!
The couple began to cuddle and finish the movie when the doorbell rang. Nesai got up with weak legs and went to open the door. To his suprise it was a package addressed to him. "Did you order me something my love" Nesai asked. "No did you order anything" Kaleem responded. "No I didn't" Nesai said opening the package.
To both of their suprise it was a blank DVD titled Watch Me! The couple found it weird but they were curious to see what it was. Kaleem thought it may have been something to do with work so he put the DVD into the computer and began playing it. To both of their surprise it was a 4 hour video full of clips of Kaleem and Mia doing the nastiest things anyone could imagine.
Nasai was Infuriateddddd! He slapped the shit out of Kaleem grabbed his keys and on the way out the door told Kaleem he had an hour to be gone! Kaleem couldn't believe Mia would do this, he couldn't believe she had been recording him. Most importantly he couldn't believe he was going to have to go through another divorce.
Kaleem being home alone looking around at the life he had provided Nesai with couldn't afford to go through another divorce. He hadn't even made Nesai sign a prenup what the fuck was he thinking!
Kaleem looked on top of the fridge and saw Nesai's prescription for Xanax and OxyContin. He took a handful of both types of pills and washed it down with a half bottle of Remy! Kaleem couldn't take this mess he had created for himself any longer!
Nesai had turned his phone off and wasn't speaking to anyone. Ali tried to call but couldn't reach him so she decided to pop up at the house. When she got there, the door was slightly opened so she let herself in. "Nesai! Kaleem!" She yelled but no one answered! She decided to go into the kitchen to make herself a sandwich but as soon as she hit the corner to open the fridge she tripped over a foot!
"Kaleem!!!!" She yelled! "What the fuck yo stupid ass done did now! I swear you not shit man! Where the fuck is Nesai!" She said just thinking Kaleem was just passed out from liquor. Ali kicked his foot.
"Kaleem get the fuck up!" She yelled! But nothing. Instead he just started foaming at the mouth!
"Oh my god" Ali said worried! At this point she saw the empty pill bottles on the counter and all the spilled pills all over the floor. She immediately got scared and called 911! Ali waited for the cops told them what happened. She then went home to try to call her brother to let him know what was going on.
The cops had to investigate to determine what happened and no one was allowed to stay at the scene. Kaleem was rushed to hospital and since Nesai wasn't able to be contacted the hospital called Mia! She was there in 5 minutes!
Three hours later Nesai pulled up to his home and was trying to figure out why there was cop cars out front. There was also yellow tape blocking off the driveway. He ran up frantically "what happened?! I live here!" He said to the cop standing outside! The cop started "Your roommate" "My Husband" Nesai interrupted! "Ok your husband tried to commit suicide he has been transported to general hospital" the officer said. Nesai immediately got in his car and sped to the hospital! When he arrived he ran inside to find a distraught Mia crying in the lobby!
She immediately stood up and began yelling "What the fuck did you do to him?" Nesai was speechless! All he could focus on was her very round pregnant belly.

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