Breaking Down Walls

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He is now 18 years old attending Harvard University. Phillips is the smartest thing from his small place of living, Lillian, Alabama. They found him mixed in with the dirt of the town and offered him a full scholarship to the legendary school. He has decided that his goal was to go to Harvard's Medical School . And let me keep adding he's a bright guy, very bright. Potential to be a billionaire with his brilliant ideas.

Today while they were being dismissed from class, John Flecker, the jock of all jocks, stopped him. "Pedophile Phillips." He teased as he put his over Mathew's head, really comparing the size between the two. "Would you like come to a party tonight?" He asked as he handed him a folded piece of paper.

"Uh umm." He quickly closed his mouth and with a quick nod of the head he was out the door with the paper. He nor we could believe it; and trust, we didn't. Even though he went to a well known university, idiots are everywhere.

"Mathew, well since you are getting older. We decided to start letting you make some of your own decisions, all right?" I said to him in a fatherly like manner. "So they must indeed be smart."

"Mat do you think they are really trying to be friendly?" Soleil said sternly as we all sat down around Mathew as he sat on his bed. "They are just a couple of sonsofbitches."

"Well, I say if they have the booze, bring it on!" He spoke through his vodka smelling lips with a 20oz canteen in his hand.

"He's not drinking!" Veronic said with her strong accent. Sounding like a very strong and powerful young lady.

"You better stand down solider." Desmond spoke in a deep raspy voice as he stood up over Soleil as if challenging him. "You better stand down solider." Soleil mocked as he turned his nose up along with his bottle. "What a faggot." Desmond continued. "We are all giving our opinions here. Now if the little lady said he isn't drinking, he isn't." He added as he brushed his hair out of his face and winked in Veronic's direction.

"Thank you." Veronic blushed as Soleil smirked behind them.

"Well, since I'm the ringleader of this whole thing, my opinion is the only one's who really matter. Agreed?" I paused slightly as everyone had a baffled look on their face. "Yes, exactly." I spoke answering myself. "And I believe we should get Mathew's opinion. What do you want Mathew?" I said to him as I walked over and sat down on the bed beside him.

"Umm, I .. I want to party." He said hesitantly with a slight stutter.

"Speak louder!" Desmond yelled excitedly.

"I want to party!" He screamed as he jumped up off the bed. The way Mathew spoke - if we allowed him to - would make people think he was a mentally challenged twelve year older.

"Yeah! Party!" They yelled together as Soleil nonchalantly took another guzzle of his booze and Veronic clapped her hands together, like the posh preppy teen girl that she is.

"He says we party? We party." I spoke with a smile as I extended my arm to the door.


"Hey, Pedophile Phillips. Enjoying the party so far?" He nodded his head and cracked a smile as he held a cherry pop close to his chest. "You don't need that man. You need this." Flecker said as he swiftly pulled a cup from behind his back.

Instantly, Soleil took over Mathews body and guzzled it. "Sheesh, man slow it down." Flecker said to Mathew as Mat got up and ran to the bathroom.

"Hey, we talked about this!" Desmond responded hastily. "We weren't going to drink Soleil."

"Oops, I forgot." Soleil smiled to me. He smiled a smile of such that will make you believe that he is an innocent soul.

"Having fun Mathew." I asked him with a rub on the knee, while he sat on the back of the toilet.

"Yes. Let's .. let's go." He said quickly getting up and walking out the bathroom door before taking a look at himself in the mirror that was in front of him.

Music blasted. Lights flashed. It was as if it was a rave inside of a little house.

After a while, Michael started stumbling into everyone and tripping on everything. He kept repeating that he needed to go get some air so with that said. He stumble into the backyard. "Michael? What's wrong?" I asked him hesitantly.

"I .. I don't feel well." He said as he slowly went to the ground.

"Son?" Soleil called to Mathew. "Is he drunk?" Veronic asked while getting on her knees, very close to Mathew's face. "No, one drink can't do that to him. He had to have been drugged." Everyone was taken aback and scared.

"I .. I just want to go home." Mathew cried a cry we've never heard before, a cry that infuriated us all.

"Pedophile Phillips, well well well aren't you toasted!" Flecker said kneeling down to him. "Come on. Let's come down this way." He said almost picking him up and going into the dark area in the back of the his house.

Flecker laid Mathew on the ground as he tried to get up and leave but was failing. "It's okay Phillips. You won't feel a thing." He said to Mathew as reached down and unzipped his pants. Mathew tried wiggled as much as he possibly could. He stroked Mathew's bone for a little before trying to flip him over.

"No this isn't happening!" Desmond yelled as he built up enough energy inside of Mathew to knock out the 200lb beast. Desmond swung fast and hard, putting Flecker to sleep.

"I have an idea." Veronic said with tears in her eyes. Quickly, she went over to Mathew and stuck her fingers down his throat, allowing him to throw up everything he had drank and some. But not too long after that, Mathew was numb.

The numbness lasted roughly 15 minutes. After those 15 minutes, Mathew still felt sluggish. He tried getting up and failed several times. "Come on. I have you." Soleil said putting his arm around his neck.

"Wait, what will we do with him?" Veronic spoke pointing her head toward the snoring jock, who remained on the ground, eyes closed.

"He deserves to die." I spoke very aggravated; just speaking out loud as they all turned to me and smirked in agreement to my rhetorical statement.

"Acid." Desmond said as he raised his head to the sky as if thanking God for the great idea.

"Well, I say we let him bleed out and rot for days on end." Soleil said with a smile, still holding the noodle body of Mathew's.

"Poison, is my suggestion." I said as I smiled down at him. "Veronic?" I also added as I looked to see her with tears streaming down her face.

"I .. I just want to cut little slits in his body and poor alcohol all over him. And .. And carve my name in his face." She cried as she kept touching Mathew's face and hugging him.

Then finally we all looked at Mathew. "You have a say in this too sweety." Veronic said to him like a mother.

"All .. Of it." He mutter still being held up like a doll. "Do all of it."

"If he says we kill, we kill." I spoke with no hesitation in my voice.

Next: Now We Kill
Later: Let Us Introduce Ourselves

Updates: Every Other Sunday

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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