Chapter 4 ~ The "Perfect" Friend

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Oikawa lets out a quiet hum as Iwaizumi gently washes the dye out of his hair. He carefully runs warm water on his scalp while the water turns pitch black. He switches off the water and grabs a towel, drying his hair as he slowly sits up. Iwaizumi kneels in front of Oikawa while drying and looks at his hair to make sure it's good. He smiles at his work and meets Oikawa's eyes who has been grinning the whole time. Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and stands up, bringing Oikawa the contacts. He easily slips them in since he wears contacts on a regular basis. Then Iwaizumi hands him his mask and an outfit that is the complete opposite of his normal clothes.

It's a turtle neck black sweater with the mid section missing. Along with high waisted black pants and a belt with metal accessories and small compartments. He is also given a leather jacket and leather gloves to complete the look. He smiles while looking at himself in the mirror.

Though this outfit is so different from what he normally wears, he looks like a total badass. Lastly, he slips on some black combat boots. Iwaizumi smiles at Oikawa's excitement.

"What do you think?"

"I look like a different person."

"Well good." Iwaizumi stands in front of Oikawa and looks him up and down taking in his 'outfit.' "Oh wait." He walks up to Oikawa and reaches his arms around his neck, taking off the silver cross necklace given to him by his mom and dad. "You can't wear this." Oikawa sighs and takes the necklace from him, placing it in the pocket of his pants.

"Question, do you only have black clothes?"

"Yes. As an assassin, we need to stay in the shadows and blend in with the night. What's wrong, your majesty? Is it not to your likening."

Oikawa chuckles and rolls his eyes at Iwa's teasing.

"Come on. Your training starts today."

He looks at him curiously before following him out the door and into the streets which is now crowded with people. Young and old. All smiling, talking, and having fun. Walking to the market or to a friend's house. So lively.

He follows Iwaizumi down the streets before turning down a dark alley, bringing back memories from last night. Iwaizumi knocks on a door once which seems a bit strange but the door suddenly opens and we both enter into a bar.

Oikawa looks around confused but trusts Iwa so he continues to follow him. He talks to a woman at the bar before leading him behind the bar and up a set of stairs. Once they reach the top they walk down a dark hallway and into a small studio fixed with weapons and punching bags. No one else is there. It's just the two of them. Alone.

Oikawa walks around looking at all the different weapons you can train with. Small daggers. Long swords, and even bats.

"Are you able to use all of these?"

"Yup." Iwaizumi grabs a few ninja stars and chucks them at the target getting a bull's I each time. Oikawa stares in amazement.

"That's amazing," Iwa smirks at him and walks over grabbing two sticks and handing one to Oikawa.

"This is what you'll start with. That way when you get hit it won't Injure you as much." He nods and holds the stick in front of him. Iwa sighs and walks behind him. "First is the stance."

He places his hands gently on Oikawa's shoulders and moves him into place. "There. This way your balance is the best it can be." He nods and looks up at Iwa. "I'm going to start off by teaching you a basic move. So come at me."

Oikawa looks at him puzzled but does as he says. He charges at him with all his strength. Iwa pivots out of the way, on his foot and grabs the stick while throwing him to the ground. He lands with a thud but his frown quickly becomes an admiring smile.

"That's awesome. Teach me that pleases." Iwa rolls his eyes and helps his friend to the floor while slowly going over each step of the move he just did.

Surprisingly Oikawa picks up the move after 2 tries. He's quite the fast learner, impressing Iwaizumi.

"Impressive. You learned that quicker than I would have thought. If you stay at this speed I can teach you a few more today." He nods excitedly and they get to work.


They spend the rest of the day training. Oikawa picks up every move within his first few tries, excelling at incredible speed.

Oikawa tiers a lot faster than Iwaizumi who is used to hardcore training and missions. So he calls it a day and they slowly walk back to Iwaizumi's house.

"Are you sure you're ok with me staying at your house."

"Of course. I'm helping you aren't I."

"Why are you helping me anyways?"

"Well, you were the first friend I ever had. After my parents sold me I didn't run into kids my age that often. I also feel kind of bad for just disappearing."

"But that's not your fault."

"I know, I just feel guilty about giving you hope. That I wouldn't disappear and I would stay so we could run away together. I knew from the start I would get taken away within a few years. But I gave you a hope I shouldn't have given you."

"I'm glad you gave me that hope." Iwaizumi turns his head to read Oikawa's expression as they continue their walk down the moonlight street. "When you left I always would imagine all the amazing adventures you were going on. All the things you would get to see. I told myself that when I got the chance I would leave and go find you. As I got older that hope you gave me slowly died out. But I'm glad I had it for a while. He gave me a sense of peace. A sense of friendship." He smiles at him meeting his star stuck expression.

"You really thought all that." He nods and smiles. "Well if we're being honest, I thought about you too. Though about what you did every day in that huge castle without me. Wondered if you had made a new friend to replace me. But whenever I was scared or feeling alone. I would think about all of the fears you had. And how you would cry when I scared you and then I got to comfort you. That made me feel safer in some way. Knowing that things could be scarier. Even though your fears were dumb." They both chuckle lightly.

"They weren't dumb."

"Some were pretty dumb."

"So mean Iwa," Oikawa says but the huge grin he is wearing contours his comment.

"I'm really glad we are getting to see each other again." They smile warmly at each other as they near the house.

"Me too," Oikawa whispers. "Me too."


The Perfect Prince                                     {Iwaoi}Where stories live. Discover now