Chapter Five Get Off Of My Back

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The Worker Bees put ropes all about me again. Not my legs this time though, I am dragged to an enclosed area with wooden posts that have bars between them. Worker Bees line the entire arena whooping and smirking at each other as I pass. I hold my head high and snort in their faces. The Worker Bees who are pulling me take me through a maze of fence to a boxed in area. They take the ropes off but I can't move. I am in a smaller box with high edges and Worker Bees nearly blocking out the sky. 

I stomp and shake my head snorting angrily. Well you think that you can take me on you must be crazy. Two grab my face and force it up shoving cold bar between my teeth and I smack it in my mouth my insides shuddering at the metal poll in my mouth. My gums slide over the metal now, but I can feel the sores opening for the first time. This head lace is tighter than the ones I have adorned before. Not a rope, but slick and dark. This is wrapped around my cheekbones and behind my ears. There ain't a single thing you've done thats gonna faze me. Oh but you wanna have a go. I just wanna let you know.

Then they slap a thing like all the other horses had that enable Worker Bees to ride them. My suspicions are confirmed as they tighten the belt around my middle to uncomfortable snugness. I cannot shift its oppressive weight. They wrap another strap around my chest and latch it to the back piece. One Worker Bee slaps the top of my hind quarters and a wave of fear ripples from the source of impact. I bellow in a high carrying call for assistance. No horse comes. 

I know what this back piece and head lace means. They are going to try and ride me.

"You've got another thing coming." I snarl as a Worker Bee flops itself on my back. I narrow my eyes as the gate holding me in starts to open. I remember the arena around it. Just like another session of proving I can protect the herd. This time I am protecting my dignity and everything I stand for.

The other horses of the confinement are either in stables along the edge or tied up on posts, so they all see me. I can tell by the looks they exchange that they think I'm about to be like one of them. They think wrong. My heart beat thunders in my ears and my expression is set. While the journey may have been long, it has made my body accustomed to this climate. Resent rest and food along with water make my muscles ready for battle.

A Worker Bee opens the gate and without hesitation I burst out of the enclosure as the Worker Bee tries to hold on. I buck and change direction in mid air as one hoof kicks at the ground. The Worker Bee continues up, but I am no longer under him. I bite him hard on the butt and he screams in pain. Landing face down on the ground. His blue uniform dusty and well groomed appearance raffled. Eyes wide like a foals he picks himself up and scampers away, running out of the arena. Get off of my back and into my game get out of way and outta my brain. I think its time you better face the fact. Get off of my back!

More ropes force me back into the mounting enclosure while another Worker Bee; this one has fur on his face and amber eyes. His weight feels wrong on my back. I promise myself this discomfort will be temporary. He adjusts himself for a better grip when the enclosure opens and I explode out of it, I canter in sharp circles then come to a complete and unexpected stop. Digging my hooves into the ground. Dust flying up in front of me as the wind I have created rushes upward. The Worker Bee's face smashes into my neck and he is knocked out cold. Blood pouring from his nose. My neck burns, but I relish it. I buck him off and trot smugly around the arena and neigh,"Get off of my back and into my game, get out of my face and out of my brain. Get out of my face or give it your best shot! You know this train is comin' off this track get off of my back!"

As I pass the water bucket I head butt a Worker Bee into it. He splashes in looking stunned. I look over my shoulder and glare at the Queen Bee. I trot over to the enclosure as if to say,"Try another one I dare you!" The horses in the stables whinny as stamp their hooves. I can hear Saber's neigh,"Next one do the mountain lion!"

A mean one with a fast rope answers my challenge and flops on. He is lighter, but the heft from him is sinister. This is an alpha in his territory. How many horses has he vanquished before? He has a long horse tail out of the back of his head. His nose is small, but pink lips bloated. The gate opens but I remain still. The other horses leaning in to see what I will do. But I don't even look up. Even my breath is calm as I build tension. The Worker Bee relaxes and says something, but in that instant I leap straight into the air. His entire body whipping back. His feet flying out of the stirrups and up by my face. When we land he is sprawled helplessly and I roll on top of him. As I rise I look down on his crumpled figure and snort snot in his face. He moans and crawls weakly out of the arena. I lift my head and give a war cry that the other horses join in on.

Back in the enclosure I decide to give Saber what he wants. The next unfortunate soul seems to be a weakling among the bunch. He is small with a nose that arches up forcing my gaze into his nostrils. Small squinty hazel eyes and thin dry lips. His hands weave into the straps connected to my head lace. The gate opening Worker Bee gives the signal and as the gate opens I canter out and roll on the Worker Bee who cries in pain crushed by my weight. The last one wasn't as affected, but this one needs to be carried out of the arena. I follow the group on silent hooves and just as they are close enough to put their front paws on the gate I slam the weakling into the wood. 

With a cold nicker I walk willingly into the gate. This time only a few Worker Bees come up to the gate to load the next victim. As he is loaded I rake my front hoof against the dirt floor in eagerness. I can smell the fear scent from this Worker Bee. Flying out of the gate I buck up and down, right and left. Turn and twist. He doesn't hold on for three seconds. Nor does the next one. Or the one after that. Worker Bee after Worker Bee is thrown off my back crumpling.

The last one mounts me, I can smell his fear. I snap out of the enclosure and rear up and he looses his balance instantly. He falls and I walk forward ignoring him, I glare at the other Worker Bees. I turn and he is still there looking stunned. I charge at him and he runs as fast as he can to the other side of the fence.

I keep going though and all the Worker Bees on that side of the fence run backward away from me. I pivot and charge the opposite side of the arena. They too retreat. I trot smugly again spitting in one's face. I take up my canter again and charge to the side that the Queen Bee is standing on and the Worker Bees around him fall back. Terrified. But he stands there and meets my challenging gaze. Then says though I can't understand him,"Tie her to the post, no food or water. Three days."

I pant still glaring at him as more ropes shove me to a post in the middle of another smaller enclosure. Taking off the thing on my back but leaving the metal thing in my mouth. Sweat lines every place the back piece rested. They tie me up, but I look back and see them pulling Saber into the arena. "Show 'em that they can't conquer us Saber." I call and he meets my gaze. Expression set as they put the gear on him.

I watch as he bucks off three Worker Bees. I see the back piece on him, they use a different one. Mine was tawny and more sturdy, his is narrow and copper. With little shiny glints from metal in the fabric. His head lace matches it. The Worker Bee that loads on first looks too small for him. I cheer him on stamping my tired hooves. I see the fire in his eyes as the sweat drips down his sides and belly.

But, on the fourth Worker Bee something happens. Just as Saber is bucking and thrashing I see his fire go out. Something about that makes my heart skip a beat. Makes me question everything I stand for. He lets them win. He lets them give him commands. He gives up. Saber, who I have always admired for his effort, while cocky and slightly self centered I have cared for him. Has failed. No longer will he be free. This will change him forever.

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