Chapter Four You Can't Take Me I'm Free

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The pale faces take me back to the little sun area recovering the two extra horses they left behind. Six ropes are tied to my neck and they have wrapped a thing around my face that they pull me by. The plain brown horses give me looks of sympathy as the pale faces prod them in the belly forcing them to move. I glare at the pale faces but they just laugh. A huffing noise that shows their ugly teeth. Their faces are odd and flat. Hair only along the bottom and up the sides. Another odd tuft on top of their heads. 

I'm pulling, digging my hooves into the ground to keep from going forward. I lower my head and snort my displeasure. Suddenly a caw makes me look up. Its Saeu! His eyes are gleaming with sadness as he caws,"You can't leave! Come back!"
My heart fills with a deep loss than no one can feel unless they have lost everything. "I will return!" I swear and a pale face makes a flicks his whip and I rear up,"I will never go with you!"
All six ropes jerk forward at once and I stumble after them. They make summoning noises and click their lips. I snort in their faces and try to turn around, but it is hopeless. I pull as hard as I can and they just drag me.

I buck and kick but the pale faces slap me with painful ropes and force me onward. "You can't take me from my herd! How dare you? I will make you pay!" I snarl but they don't understand my words.
"There's no hope, once they get you, you no longer are your own being." Says one of the brown quarter horses hopelessly. His legs moving one after the other, but like a daze. No purpose to motion accept not to be hit. 
"No no, they can't. I won't let them! No one can change me I'm... I'm..." I struggle for the word my eyes fierce and my brown tail flashing.
"Untamable." Says the quietest of the bunch. Her first words are the wisest said all day. All season.
"That's right," I say determination rising in me,"You cannot tame the wind! You cannot tame the sky! You may try but you will only die. I will never give in. Don't touch a thing til' ya know whats inside it." I rear up and give out a battle cry that rings over the unfamiliar landscape,"Never gonna give it never gonna give it up, no. You can't take me I'm free!"


We travel for a whole day. I fight my hardest, sweat glistening off of my pelt. My eyes wide and wild. My muscles are sore and I cannot keep fighting in this heat. In my valley it was pleasantly warm unless you ran as much as I did. Here, the sun beats down on my neck and back. My lungs heave with effort as the hours blur together in misery. My mid day, I am unable to fight to my fullest. Brief spells of weakness, in which I can only trudge forward. My battles are becoming less powerful. As the sun starts to set behind us I can't fight anymore. All the energy from my trembling muscles is gone.  

They tie me to a sturdy boulder as there are no more trees in sight. My chant still repeating in my mind,"Can't catch a wave if you're never gonna ride it, can't take me I'll fight it never gonna give it never gonna give it up no." 
The sun has finally set and the pale faces make another little sun and sleep around it. This time I am beside the plain brown horses. I hang my head and fall into sleep.

A twig snaps and my buckskin head jerks up, there he is, beaten up, tired and the most dirty I have ever seen him. Saber. My heart fills with relief at the sight of one of my own then terror that the herd might be in danger near by. "What are you doing here?" I demand in a hushed voice careful not to wake the pale faces.
"Saving you of course." He replies stoutly, his expression set and I know no matter how much I argue he will not leave with out me.
"The herd needs you!" I say pointing with my muzzle back to our homeland.
"No Lila they need you, Thunder is growing weak. He is filled with sorrow at your capture." he neighes and steps over a pale face not noticing it.
"SABER!" I cry as the pale faces bound him while he kicks and thrashes. But the journey has taken its toll and he is soon ensnared next to me.
"You should've run while you had the chance." I say looking helplessly at the ropes restraining him.
"Run like a coward, after you sacrificed yourself for the herd?" He said his old gleam back in his eyes,"Come on I thought you knew me better."
I nicker and bite his ear playfully and the pale faces smack me with the fast rope and I stay still. The risk out weighing the benefit.

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