Chapter 1 ~ The "Perfect" Life

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All his life has been planned out to the minute. The time he wakes up. The time he eats. The time he takes walks in the garden. Everything is planned out. Out of his control. A calendar he is simply following. Never once having to worry about making a decision. The perfect life.

Safely hidden in the castle. Surrounded by guards who swore to give their lives for him. Gourmet food made by personal chefs. Maids to do everything for him. Designer clothes. The perfect life.

Not often do people consider the stress and pressure that come with being a prince. Not once has he heard the words, "oh your the prince. Man, that's gotta suck." It's a life of luxury awarded to him by birth.

The stress, the pressure is simply hidden secrets. All the responsibility. Constantly being watched. His entire life is watched and ridiculed just because of who his parents are. He hasn't done anything. Simple walks around doing exactly as he's told. The perfect child. The perfect prince.

"Tooru honey, could you come here for a moment." He slowly enters his father's study to see his mother politely standing next to him in her beautiful daytime gown.

"Yes mother."

"We have a guest coming from a neighboring kingdom. A young girl by the name of Amina Yura. She's around your age and we do ask that you keep her company for her time here. And please do try to get along."

A young girl visiting from a neighboring kingdom just a week after I turned 18. Don't tell me...

Although his thoughts are unpleasant and quite worrisome for the young boy, he bows to his parents agreeing to their request like he was even given the option. He then steps out and heads down the hall in the direction of his bedroom. He walks, swiftly and properly with perfect posture, and a small welcoming smile.

As he enters his room he is greeted by Mika, one of his personal maids.

"Ahh young Tooru, didn't expect you back so soon. Would you like some tea?" Her voice is warm and sweet, and she always wears a bright smile. Tooru has always wondered how she stays so happy when having serve people day and night.

"No thank you. I just wish to be alone for now." She nods saying nothing more before leaving him to himself. He collapses on his bed groaning slightly. Staring up at the ceiling imagining a day where he can leave his kingdom and travel the world. Or even just leave the castle without having 10 guards by his side. A normal life. Or just a little more normal.

The night passes slowly like always, mainly spent by casually staring outside watching the stars or reading one of the thousands of books he has. He's then called for dinner and heads to bed like every night. It's all the same.


2 days pass before their visitor arrives. Tooru, as requested, is there to greet the young women. The young girl steps out into the sun, which illuminates her long black hair and adds a sparkle to the green in her eyes. A natural beauty. She steps out to greet him.

"Thank you for your hospitality, prince Oikawa."

"The pleasure is all mine princess Amina." He bows as always and offers his hand walking her into the palace to meet his parents. They enter the hall being welcomed by the King and Queen.

"Ah, Princess Amina. I'm glad your trip was safe. Welcome to the Pheamore kingdom."

"The pleasure is mine." She sweetly says with a smile.

"If you need anything our staff can get it. My son will now show you to one of our finest guest rooms." He nods and shows her the way along with a few guards.

"Your Kingdom is just lovely. I've never been outside my own before."

"Never?" He questions trying to be at least the slightest bit interested.

"Nope, this is my first time. It's exciting."

"Did you see anything during your journey?"

"No, they wouldn't let me. I don't know what the big deal is but I trust them." She smiles up at him as they reach the room.

"Here is your room. If you need anything you can ring for a butler. Is there anything more I can do for you?"

"No, you've done plenty. Thank you. I'm very pleased to see how polite and respectful you are. Also very handsome." Tooru cringes slightly understanding more why this woman has arrived.

"Why thank you. You are also very beautiful." She giggles and thanks him before they part ways to their separate rooms.

This can't be happening. I can't do it. It's so soon, can't there be another way?

His thoughts trouble him for the majority of the evening. Even through dinner while his parents and miss Amina make small talk about the beauty that is this world. He keeps to himself praying this situation isn't what he thinks, but knows he's wrong.

Sure enough, after dessert, his parents ask to speak to him while miss Amina takes a walk in the garden. He sighs and meets them in his father's study, taking a seat across from him.

"I'm assuming you've already figured it out but in case you haven't, Amina is to be your bride." Even though this was the very situation he had expected and feared, he can't help but act shocked while his body fills with overwhelming dread.

"Isn't it a bit soon for this. I've only been 18 for a week. Even grandpa waited until you were 21!" He protests reminding his parents that he's still a child.

"It doesn't matter. She is to be your bride and you will marry her in a month."

"A month! But please can't there be another way!"

"I don't see why you're complaining, she's a very beautiful woman and is very nice too. She will bear good children." He lets out a huff knowing he can't get out but still trying slightly.

"I'm only 18! I don't want kids yet! Why are you rushing this."

"That is not important. You have a duty! A duty you will stick too until the day I die! Do you understand!" His father's voice rises with anger, forcing Tooru into submission. He nods and then quickly exits the study, racing back to his room.

I can't do it. It can't be happening. I can't marry her.

The dread, fear, and sadness are overwhelming. The disappointment his parents would feel if they knew. The secret he's kept his entire life never thinking about the future. Never planning what to do when this day did come.

He races to his room shutting the door before collapsing on the floor, his eyes flooding with tears, and his room filled with quiet sobs of pain and fear. The panic is immense and breathing becomes a burden.

Just like that his life comes into perspective. The life he never wanted but was given. The life of a perfect prince.


The Perfect Prince                                     {Iwaoi}Where stories live. Discover now