Chapter 4

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As we all stand in the kitchen in shock, and for me discust, Louis walks in with the white bandage wrapped around his head. When I wrapped the bandage he was leaning up against my lap and I had a trembling thoughts:

What if he was the one for me? What if he liked me? What happens if he asked me to date him? What would I say if he did ask me out? What if I do like him?

Then my mom interrupted my thoughts by saying "Goodness Madeline what did you do to the poor boy?"

"I didn't do anything mom, I walked them to the barn and Beau wasn't to friendly." As Paul became frantic I said "I think he will be alright though."

Harry gave a chuckle and said "I don't think he was alright in the first place."

"This is no time to joke Harry." Paul said. "I think we need to get to the hospital. And you will be lucky if don't press any charges!" Paul said in anger as he stomped out of the room, dragging Louis behind him.

"Madeline you have really crossed the line this time!" my mom barked at me. "Go to your room this second!" avoiding eye contact. I just stood there staring at the chair with black plastic cushions and faded silver legs. They were the type of chairs you would see at a diner and I always particularly loved them, for no reason exactly.

"Help yourself boys" my father said walking into the room with a chicken on a big white platter. My mom looked up at me and yelled "GO!" I ran straight out the door to see Louis and Paul in an intense discussion over by the dock. As I walked up to Louis the tears built up in my eyes and I couldn't stop them and they started rolling rapidly down my cheek. My mother has never yelled at me like that. Even if it was just one word I hated it.

"Megan what's wrong?" he asked me. As I shed a smile I say "it's Maddy but thanks for your consideration." I rush right past them all the way down the old rotted, wooden deck. When I realize that I'm a the end I jumped.

Head first.

I always liked swimming in the lake. It was my own little place to get away. As I started swimming underwater I felt a splash. I look up to see who it was. Of course it was Louis. He swam over to me. "What the heck are you doing?" he said with confusion.

"I'm getting away. This is my favorite place on the whole farm and you cant make me leave." I said with a snap.

"I wasn't going to. I was going to join you." he said with a smile all the way up to his ears. "I want to run away with you and I want to get out of this place! I cant take it anymore!" he said. "And you Maddy, you are gorgeous and I want you. I want you to be mine."

I look up to see Paul jumping in after Louis. 

"Well that's  not ganna happen." I said in reply to Louis and took off swimming to the other end of the lake.

"So your playing hard to get, huh?!" he yelled.

I just continued to swim I just didn't care anymore.

Blizzard (One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora