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I decided a fun thing would be to include some facts about characters in this book! If you have any suggestions or headcanons, feel free to comment those too. So without further ado, here are some things I figured I'd include about my characters.

— He is aromantic asexual.
— He decided not to become a warrior because he felt his name wasn't very "warrior-like."
— He very much enjoys poetry, and although it was glossed over, he wanted his death to be symbolic and poetic of him.
— He views Rainwhisper as a son and his closest friend.
— He does have some anxiety even though it isn't mentioned much, but it can be seen in how he is so caught up and worried about bloodcough and how he starts to go a bit crazy thinking he has it.
— He was originally going to just be a brown tabby with white paws and a white underbelly, but the design changed when I made the cover.
— Another possible name idea was "Turkeywing" but I decided against it after talking to a friend.
— He is approximately 109 moons at his death.

— He is bisexual however he isn't interested in romance and feels it would be unprofessional to even consider it.
— Hemlockfoot's death was rather traumatic for him and has made it difficult for him to deal with cases of poisoning, water hemlock, and plants that look like water hemlock.
— Despite not being too open about his feelings, I tried to show he cared a lot about his mentor and that he suspected something may have been concerning him.
— After Hemlockfoot's death he cut off those he cared about and focused more on his duty than having friends.
— He and Redpaw were good friends before Hemlockfoot's death.
— Even after learning that Hemlockfoot had eaten his sister, he still cared a lot for him and is still in some denial about it.

— He is extremely gorgeous and has very soft fur.
— His general personality to his clanmates is flirty, goofy, and a bit sharp tongued.
— After learning of Hemlockfoot's death, he questioned himself about if it was his fault.
— He hates ShadowClan because his father was killed in a battle with them when he was first born.
— He has two sisters and both of them look almost identical to him.

— He is pansexual.
— He is also a transman.
— He is terrified of bees and similar flying insects.
— He has 4 lives left at the start of the book.
— Molestar really hates Cottonstar but always tries to be polite. He believes Cottonstar is too old, uncaring, and unfit to be a leader.
— His second choice for a deputy would most likely be Stormbristle.

— After the death of Morningdaisy, she lost faith in StarClan and bashes them whenever she can.
— Morningdaisy's death has changed her from being calm and collective to being easy frustrated, distant, and easily upset.
— She 100% hates Hemlockfoot and at his vigil she announced she will kill him again once she dies.
— She never had kits again despite originally wanting more than just Rainwhisper and Morningdaisy.

— She is a bit torn on Hemlockfoot's actions.
— Daisies symbolize innocence, purity, love, and new beginnings which is why she received that suffix.
— She is a lesbian.

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