#Catch the train

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"The train to Japan is reporting within 15 minutes..."

I yawn, I'm genuinely tired and beyond exhausted from the incredible drive with the grate richly-Kim-brothers and a new companion richly-handsomer-outs-flirty-cutie Dr. Park Jimin all 1-and-a-half-hour long drive with Taehyung, Jin, Naamjoon, Jisoo, Rose, and Jimin was just loaded with their long-lost-gossips, Jin's sneaky remarks over Jisoo and Jisoo teasing (mocking) Jin over the local train 2 nights long journey to Japan but the ghastliest and enchanting part of the ride was Jimin relinquishing all flirty over me and I being the ripped-tomato-am was blushing full firefly for him,

God, I'm already messing enough, isn't I?

Please save me from this handsome-richly men's...amen.

"Tannie baby, wake up we are here" I petted Yeontan who is soundly snoozing on Taehyung's arms, "Hey, no need to prod my boy from his cloudland. Let him sleep" he glares at me,

"He can't get on the train anyway," Jimin replies sliding past Taehyung to me, "They better agree on taking Yeontan or I will just hire the train" Taehyung finalizes rolling his eyes at Jimin who chuckles and gives me the If-he-can-he-will-buy-the-entire-world look and I'm agreed on him with that; he of course can. And I think half of the world is already under his influe- No! His dad's influence.

"Hurray off guys the train is gonna come" Rose excites, giving a speedily check on her luggage.

"When will she come?" Jimin spews skipping around the seats via the entrance,

"Joon? Is there's someone else accompanying us?" I say, Naamjoon creases his brows as I entitle him Joon rather of Naaaaamjoooon, It's too long but later he follows my eyes to where Jimin is rapping his foot impatiently

"His best-..."

"Jackson Wang" Taehyung disrupts like usual, but it takes me a few-thoughtful-second for his words to immerse in and when it finally does...I started feeling nauseated and my eyes went wide-

"Taehyung! You invariably ought to ruin it!"

"Ruin what? Your moments?"

"Y/n it's-..."

"The train is here, came guys" Jisoo dispatches and launches upon the glass doors.

I' gulp hard and slowly hunches up until Taehyung grips me by arms and starts gathering my bags.

"Where is Yeontan?" I questions. Since he got his arms free.

"With Jin Hyung"



"And where is he?" I ask when we made it inside the train, I next inhale my surroundings.

There's only us...where are the others?

"WHERE IS HE?" he repeats, merely the pitch high.

"I said the same" I answer him flatly and he groans.

He loves Yeontan like his own son.

"Taehyung where is our slab?" I ask because the tickets aren't with me.

"I don't know either. Jisoo booked all our tickets" Taehyung shrugs and I extended my eyes at him.


"My Yeontan is nowhere and you...what kind of women are you, you are accentuating of tickets?" Taehyung clefts at me, as the passengers around us, starts mumbling.

Oh, we have audiences too.

"Child, any problem?" one of the old ladies questions Taehyung with pity in her eyes,

"Yes, I lost my baby" Taehyung acts...I don't know but he seems like he is acting.

The lady gasps dramatically and glares sideways at me, "Is she the mother?" I frown and glance at my back to where the old granny is aiming too...but then Taehyung nods.

Oh...ho, she is analyzing Yeontan as a human's child.

Then it sinks in my thick head- And me the mama of Yeontan?

Oh god!

"What? Taehyung why are you nodding? Mam, Yeontan is a puppy a small puppy!" I flew my words. My face flushed. The old granny blinks at me than at Taehyung who seems not to care much and bursts into laughter.

"What a dog?" her eye follows me up and down.

"You are much younger to bear a baby anyways take the birth precautions okay?"


"STOP LAUGHING 'KIM-SOON-TO-BE-DEAD-TAEHYUNG!" I yell and strike his arm,

"Don't yell..., you are distu-haharbing the pleaahaasant atmospherheehee" He squints between his giggles and I'm lost in his adorable-ness, he is not-that-much of an asshole he is...cute.

"Done drooling?"

"Uh-..." I blink and there he comes back the smirking asshole Taehyung!

"Are they here on train or..." I gasp and Taehyung rolls his eyes, "We can always stop the train if I want to, merely a message"

"Yes, you unmistakably can Mr. trillionaire but first will you please call Jin?" I glare at him crossing my arms.

"Don't order! You also have the phone numbers of Naamjoon and Jisoo-..."

"Jin! Jisoooooooo, Jin left behind!" Taehyung and I swiftly shift round to the origin of Rose's shriek and I sigh in relief when I spot the long blackish haired guy with a blonde-haired and chest-nut haired girls on either side of him.

Joon, Rose, and Jisoo!

I linger within the train to them and the other patrons giving us a weird look "Tannie!" Taehyung claims and stood beside Jisoo, while I clasp my arm around Naamjoon.

"Where is he?" Taehyung asks Jisoo,

"There!" she points out of the gateways to where Jin is racing wildly with Yeontan in his arms.

I'm glad that the train isn't ignited yet!

"Jin you can make it to here" Rose cheers,

"The train is going to inaugurate in 5 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2-..." Naamjoon counts his eyes fixed on his 'Rolex' just then Jin barges into the train but because of Yeontan he stumbles but- Jisoo, shot her right hand up and helps Jin onto the train.

{Plays the DDLJ music}  Just imagine Jin as the girl and Jisoo as the guy! ;)

"Th-thanks Jisoo" Jin pants.

"Attention please, it's extremely risky to hop on an inaugurating train" The announcer announces and everyone every-living-organism turns there glares to Jin, who clutches Yeontan to his heart like a shield.

"Err- Yeontan you see?...Um, the announcement is for the people who are junked up near the train" Jin laughs awkwardly dropping Yeontan on his feets.

"Woof woof!" Yeontan responds to Jin.

"Hyung even Yeontan is also not agree with you" Taehyung and Jisoo clap as we all giggles at Jin.

"Let's get to our seats or the conductor will throw us out of the train" Rose mocks and I gap at others in relisation.

"Where is Jimin? Don't say me he is also late like Jin?" I wept.

"No, no he is already in here with his BFF"

Jackson? Is Jimin's BFF?




My lOvElY rEaDeRs!

Are u having a good dose of laughter?

If not tell me...

But I'm warning you... u will suffer from intense pain too..!

Vote and smile!

Yours laughing author:

KTH || PJM: Ƭωιℓιgнτ'ѕ ʂҽcɾҽԵWhere stories live. Discover now