"Catra, its me..the real deal,"

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Requested by CatradoraIsBomb ☺️

Hope you like this!

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Night had fallen in brightmoon.

No sound at all.

Everyone was happily asleep, in their own little dreamworld..

Almost everyone....

Ever since the encounter with Catra and Prime at the Beacon, she'd been having nightmares.

Unexplainable, treacherous ones.

Adora would always try to get Catra to tell her about these nightmares, but Catra would insist that it was nothing.

But this time, adora planned on getting it out of her

"Little sister...well done. You will be raised up above for your great deed," Prime smirks at Catra

Catra was staring at adora's dull body, laying limp on the floor

She closed her eyes, hoping it was all a dream.

She opened them again, seeing adora's lifeless body still on the floor

Tears fell from her eyes as she looked down at her hands, full of blood

"why..." she looked up and saw adora mumble her last words, before closing her eyes

"no...NOO!" Catra yells as she begins crying

"ra...tra...CATRA!" She heard a voice call her as she woke up

"A-Adora..?" Catra looks at her girlfriend

"Are you ok?" Adora frowns at her

"no...your-your supposed to be dead...I killed you!" Catra yells

Thank god the rooms were soundproof, otherwise glimmer would run in here yelling her head off

"What do you mean?" She tilts her head

"STAY AWAY! I killed you! I'm a monster!" Catra yells backing away

"Catra, I'm not dead," Adora assures her

"No! You didn't come back for me! I killed you! This is just my mind playing tricks on me!" She yelled with tears streaming down her eyes

"Catra! I did come back for you, I could never leave you there..." Adora frowns having tears start to stream down her face too

"Just stay away from me!" She yelled retracting her claws

"Catra, it's ok!" Adora grabs her hand

She places it on her chest, where her heart is

"Catra, it's me...the real deal," Adora smiles softly at her

Catra could feel her heart beat on her hand

"It-It's really you?" Catra smiles

"Yes, it's me," Adora laughs a little bit as she brings Catra into a hug

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of overreacted..." Catra mumbles

"It's not your fault, you went through pain that no one should go through.. how about we talk to perfuma tomorrow and she can give you some meditating or therapy?" Adora looks down at her

"That would be..nice.." Catra mumbles as she cuddles into her girlfriends chest

"goodnight adora," she yawns feeling herself fall asleep

"goodnight kitten.." Adora smiles, kissing her forehead. As she falls asleep too

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From then on, Catra didn't have any nightmares, and could finally sleep peacefully in a long time.

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