Chapter 7.

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'Hey, what's ya name sweets?' Angel asked Y/N as she tucked into her pancakes, in between mouthfuls, she answered his query. The spider demon was about to ask another question, his mouth forming a perfect 'o' until Vaggie interrupted him.

'I wanted to know.. why are you here? Redemption?' Vaggie said blatantly, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

'Umm..' Y/N struggled for words, resting her cutlery against her plate, making a painful clang sound, 'I'm not sure if I should disclose that, but I have no ill intent, I can assure you.'

Vaggie exchanged looks with me, raising her eyebrow slightly as if to subtly ask me if I knew anything, I gave a small shrug in reply. Niffty, not sensing the tension in the room, decided to ask her own set of questions, most centred around fashion and the like. Glimpsing at Y/N, she seemed to overwhelmed by the sheer amount of questions that were spilling out of the tiny demon's mouth. I was only able to decipher a few words, so answering them would be near impossible by the rate she was asking them.

'You just came here so you have practically no clothes, you should go shopping!' She gasped, 'we should go together, Charlie, Vaggie, you and me!'

'I didn't agree to that.' Vaggie grumbled stubbornly, her hair covering a side of her face.

Angel began, resting his head against his hand, 'don't be so rude Vaggie, you guys should go, it'll be-'

'FUN!' Charlie exclaimed, a wide smile planted on her face, she eagerly looked at Vaggie, who returned a worried look but was reassured by the smiling face of her lover, decided to give in.

'Alright, I'll go.' Y/N nodded to this, promptly asking everyone's hobbies. Everyone, some albeit rather sulkily, shared their enjoyment and habits, fully enjoying the conversation and conversing over specific pastimes. From what I could tell, Y/N was most surprised by Angel's set of 'skills' and career as he never neglected to mention certain private aspects of his life. Niffty shared her love for sewing, Vaggie her love for being left alone, it was rather amazing actually, how everyone could get along. Well, almost everyone, Alastor hadn't said a single word since this conversation was initiated.

I didn't dare give him a glance as I let everyone drone on about their hobbies as such until Y/N asked about my particular pastimes. I was slightly taken aback by the question, although I should have fully expected it, struggling to express what I truly did in my free time.

'He's unconscious for most of the time.' Vaggie scoffed, but I could tell she didn't really mean it.

'That's true,' I agreed, 'but I do like to do some gardening every once and a while.' After my speech, I took a hefty swig on my liquor bottle, almost to prove my own point. While I drank the alcohol, I heard a quiet, raspy voice next to me.

(Alastor's POV)

'Husker, you sly cat..' I murmured, just loud enough for him to hear as he engaged in conversation with my Y/N. He shifted around slightly, his back facing me more now.

I felt so helpless for once in my damned afterlife, if I wanted to succeed, I will have to play nice for now. But soon, that offer will expire. And Husk knows it.

'Well, I'm full!' I exclaimed, gritting my teeth as he and Y/N talked.

'But cha' didn't eat anything!' Niffty remarked.

I ignored her comment, while I exited the room, feeling the amount of befuddled glances I received.

I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

The lab doors slid open with a wave of my hand to reveal Baxter mixing various dubious liquids in oddly shaped canisters and beakers, a soft rhythmic clunk of machines surrounding the demon.

'Baxter! The exact demon I was looking for!' I tipped my head to the side, my eyes narrowing upon him seeing the sight of me.

'O-Oh, hi Alastor, what can I d-do for you?' Baxter promptly dropped whatever immoral experiments he was conducting.

I approached him, my hand on his shoulder.
'You see, dear Baxter, I need you to research a topic of mine..' I twiddled my thumbs innocently.

'Fallen angels.'

'I-I don't do that Alastor, I do more scientif-'

My grip on his shoulder became stronger, my nails digging into it now,
'When I tell you to do something, you do it.'

'Without hesitation'.

My smile reached up to the corners of my eyes, the yellow deepening around the edges to a blood orange; an aura of mysterious characters appearing around me as it became distorted, radio static crackling within me.

Baxter shrunk back, fumbling with his fingers to distract from the fear that I instilled in him,
'I-I'll get it done right away!'

I nodded in approval, swiftly turning on my heel to cause some more chaos elsewhere when I heard frantic footsteps run towards me, the clank of heels becoming a very familiar sound.

Charlie charged past me and entered Baxter's workplace, doing a quick inspection to see if anyone was in distress.

'Hey Baxter, I heard some noise so I thought something happened, you ok?'

Watching from a distance as he suspended his finger in the air, preparing to say something. I summoned a shadow, its presence seemed unbeknownst to Charlie as it loomed over him, ensuring he won't tell her even a word about our exchange. Baxter seemed hesitant, his two hands now by his side.

'N-Nothing, I'm fine, thanks Charlie.'

'Oh ok, call me if you need me!' She gestured a phone with her fingers.

Now, that's one part of the plan set into motion, now to do the thing I do best.

Make deals.

An Angel Among Sins - Husk x Fallen Angel!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now