Chapter 6 (Part 2) - Someone New Arrives

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???'s P.o.v

Now, Bendy was hugging the cartoon girl and she was hugging back?! Bendy also had a heart above his head.

I thought my mind was playing tricks on me so I turned back around. This time I waited before returning my gaze to the page.

It had changed again.

This time, Bendy looked heart broken, as where the small heart had once appeared, was now replaced with a torn in half one.

Confused, I looked over the the girl as that was where page Bendy was looking.

She wasn't there anymore.

But as I had my attention on that half of the page, I didn't notice the page Bendy change.

I looked over once I heard the shuffling again.

This time I wasn't meet a happy sight.

The girl had returned, and she was now in Bendy's arms.

But the sad thing was...

She didn't look well at all...

I looked up to see Bendy's reaction, and I felt sorry for the little devil.

His face was no longer as happy as he once was. He know looked like he was on the verge of tears.

I didn't want to see the next scene, but my curiosity got the better of me yet again.

And this final time...

She wasn't there anymore yet again.

I turnt my back and waited. I turnt back around and...

She hadn't returned...

All that was left this time was a heart-shaped locket.

As it was on the page, I couldn't grab it to see what it had on the inside.

There was more shuffling from the other side of the page.

I looked over and page Bendy was on his knees, he looked like he saw a ghost as his eyes didn't move, they just stared at the ground.

"What is happening?..." I said to myself.

As much as I wanted to stay in hope that the cartoon girl came back, I knew I had to get moving or Joey would get mad. I knew him too well when he wasn't happy....

I left that part if the studio and continued on towards the right hall.

Down in this one was a sign that sad the ink machine. I decided to leave that one till last as I had a feeling it would be better till last.

I made my way around the other rooms. I found the staff room, which didn't look to bad apart from part of one of the curtains shredded by a lot.

I passed a few rooms that had their doors wide open too. When I came to the cinema room, the ground was flooded with ink and the projector was playing.

"What on earth?!" I said as I tried to make over to the valve.

Linda would kill me for ruining my clothes but I had to stop the flood!

I lowered myself inti the ink and made my way over to the valve. Luckily, the ink only went up to the my knees. I turnt of the valve and sighed in relief.

"At least that's sorted. Now, back to finding Joey."

I continued on, till I found a room with six pedistools. Stangely enough, the six pedistools all contained the items that they needed. But I hadn't seen anyone yet...

"That must mean someone's here!" I leave to room only to be met with the room opposite it. How I missed it, I didn't know but it I wish I still had!

"Joey! What were you doing?!..." I said this in almost a whisper as I slowly make my way towards the corpse.

I was about a foot away from it when I stopped myself.

"No! I don't know what's happening from the moving pictures to dead corpses! I need answers!"

I was fuming! What in hell was Joey f*sqeauk*ing doing?! I stormed out of that room and made my way around again.

As I walk around, I realise that the place definitely

I haven't seen anyone so far and there's no signs of anyone else being here.

"Weird...I thought one or two more people would be here. I guess it's just me till I find Jo-" Before I could finish talking to myself, I heard faint sobs back the way I passed.

"W-what? How come I'm only hearing this now?!..."

I walk towards the sound. It only becomes louder as I slowly make my way towards where I think it's coming from.

I end up back at the wall that says Dreams Come True, but I don't see anything?

"Weird..." I go to make my way to the exit, as I wanted to go outside and call Joey on my cellphone and ask what he was playing at.

But the sobbing is heard again,

and this time it's behind me...

I slowly turn around, only to be suprised with the sight.

There, curled up in the corner was...I honestly didn't know what it was as I couldn't see them.

"Um...excuse me?...are you ok?..."

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