Chapter 2

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The space between realities was black. No light could pierce the hungry darkness and it made her feel alone, abandoned.

This day wasn't meant to go this way. Her family and people, all gone as her body was dragged through an eye. Little arms effortlessly lifting her, screams filled the grand livingroom. As if hell has come to claim a soul they have lost.

It was quiet too soon. Then there was light. There stood a little white being with no eyes and nose. Almost taunting her as she saw a door before her. They didn't speak and just seemed to watch her struggle before the door opened.

Those little black arms, she hated them. Pulling her into the doors as her voice rung out into the empty void. Where she traveled once again and opened her eyes to meet new faces.

To help turn this country into the masterpiece it was destined to become. Sacrificing the lives of many. That horrid red liquid was forced to run in her veins and ruin what little light it could eat.

"You need to keep watch."

"Get close to him."

"No need for those emotions to get in the way."

"Let's get rid of those shall we?"

It was one breathe and it was all it took to remember that she was still alive. That there was still some fight in her. Desire burning inside of her eyes and giving a window for others to see right through her.

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