Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Tuesday, February 4

"I've got decathlon and then I'm out to do some swinging again," Peter reminds Tony over the phone after school as he walks toward Mr. Harrington's classroom.

"Peter," Tony warns with a tone that makes the teen roll his eyes.

He sighs, knowing what's coming. "What?"

"Don't overdo it, kiddo. You're just getting back into the swing of things and you need sleep. Bruce clearly said-"

"I know, I know." Tony has been on his back about slowing down for weeks now, and it's not that Peter doesn't know how to, it's that he doesn't want to. Breathing without effort? Having a routine at school again? Swinging through the crisp New York city air and taking in the gorgeous skyline on a clear, winter night? He's missed this. All of this.

"You just went out last night, and you were out later than we decided on." Tony's trying to tone down his concern and his scorn, but he can't really help it. Peter's just getting over being sick, is finally doing some of his normal activities, albeit modified, but he can't fully shake the fear from the last month, has been trying to keep Peter as healthy as he can without any possibility for relapse, even though he knows he can't control that, not completely, anyway.

"You know I can't sleep well even with-"

"The low dose of steroids, I know. Still. I want you in by ten."

"Tony! Come on," he protests, practically whining.

Tony considers, takes a deep breath. "Fine, nine. Remember, though, you have the gala tomorrow. And no patrolling. Just swinging."

"Nine? Really?!"

"Nine thirty."


Peter grins, thankful for the extra freedom, and disconnects the call before sliding into a desk for practice.

Wednesday, February 5

Peter pulls down on his tie, finds that the front section is too short and the back too long, and tries to undo it, only to find that it's tangled too tight around his neck. He drops his tired arms to his sides and sighs.

"Let me," Tony says from behind him, expertly undoing the knot and mess Peter's created and working at it until Peter's looking at a perfectly tied tie in the mirror.

Tony stands tall in a navy blue tailored suit with subtle stripes and a crisp white dress shirt. His tie is purple, silken, and perfectly snug against his neck. It's a far cry from the pajamas and t-shirts Peter has gotten used to seeing him in. Peter can't help but wish his hair was slicked back, every hair in place like Tony's, rather than the mess of gel and short, brown curls he sees in the mirror.

"T-thanks," he says, trying to ward off the embarrassment of Tony having to fix his tie for him. The moment is a reminder that his life isn't like everyone else's, that there are things missing, people missing, and it's the same feeling he's always gotten on Donuts with Dad or Muffins with Mom days in elementary school. It also doesn't help that he's practically vibrating with nerves. He's supposed to give a speech tonight at the gala, has been practicing the line Stark Industries has been the leader in technology and innovation since 1940...

"I'll teach you and have you practice when we're not running behind schedule, kiddo."

Peter nods. He grabs the dress coat jacket Pepper's purchased, and slides his arms in.

"Backpack," Tony reminds him.

Peter groans. "Come on, Tony! I'll be fine! I've been doing okay!"

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