Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Wednesday, December 25, Christmas Day (Part 2)

By four in the afternoon, the Stark household is in full Christmas swing. FRIDAY is blasting Christmas jams in the kitchen while May helps Pepper put the finishing touches on dinner. Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and Thor are all enjoying a glass of wine in the living room, Peter laughing along to their banter from his place on the couch. He's wearing his "Tis the Season to Be Amazing!" Spiderman Christmas sweater that was meant for MJ's party, and while part of him is still bummed that he didn't get to go, he's glad that he felt well enough to shower after his midday nap and be part of the Avengers' annual Christmas soirée this evening. He hates that everyone has to see him on oxygen, that he'll probably have to do a treatment or two while everyone is still over, but Tony's assured him that no one will comment, that they're all just happy he's doing better and that he can be present for the evening.

"Baby of Spiders! That garment is perplexing yet humorous," Thor comments, sweeping his arm toward Peter, the wine in his glass splashing over the top. "What is it that you call such a sweater for Christmas?"

"T-thanks," Peter manages, annoyed that Thor's called a baby. Again. "Um, a Christmas sweater?

"Aye! That's the name! Wouldn't it have been comical if Baby of Spiders had worn such a sweater during our mission this past evening?" Thor asks, addressing the group.

"What mission?" Peter's asking, sitting up straight on the couch.

"Thor!" Bruce is chastising with a glare.

Peter feels tears pressing, the happiness from the day disappearing in one swift moment. "Y-you went on a mission? Without me?"

"Nothing crazy, kiddo," Clint assures him. "Just a small wormhole-"

Tony is staring daggers at Clint, who is throwing back a look that screams please don't kill me!

"A small wormhole?! There' such thing... You went without me and didn't even tell me, Tony?!" Peter's near tears now, is overheating all of a sudden. He fumbles with his oxygen tubing and grabs the tank with both hands, rising from the couch and pulling it behind him to his room with such drive that even Peter surprises himself. It takes him a moment to situate it inside of his room before he slams the door shut and locks it, but he feels oddly accomplished for a few seconds as he leans back, lets himself slowly slide down until he's sitting on the ground.

That's when the tears hit.

"Peter," he hears Tony behind the door with a small knock.

"Go away!" he yells, running the sleeve of his sweater beneath his nose.

"Come on, Peter. Let me in before I have Friday override the lock."

Of course he can override the damn lock, Peter thinks, his anger rising. "Just leave me alone! Please!"

"Gotta calm down, kiddo," Tony's saying softly as he jiggles the knob. "Let's talk about this."

"You don't get to tell me to calm down!" Peter yells, incredulous. How could Tony have kept this from him? After everything?

Tony signs and puts his forehead to the door. "Can you at least let me in so that we can talk?"

"I really alone," Peter says, hiccupping. "Please go away!"

"I'm giving you five minutes and then I'm coming in, okay?"

Peter doesn't answer, just sits against the door with his forehead on his knees, his hands pulled into the sleeves of his sweater as he sniffles and focuses on breathing because the crying fit he's just had is making his lungs feel heavy.

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