Chapter 1

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Lucy sighed as she looked up at the building towering over her.  She stood there for a second, taking everything in.   At least, she tried to.  Just then, a great force bumped into her, knocking her over.

"Hey!" Lucy protested, until she saw who had knocked her over.  He was tall, with blond hair and deep brown eyes.  He stood surrounded by a crowd of impressive-looking jocks, all built just like him.  Still, he stood out to her.  Others just couldn't compare.

She stood up, shakily, trying to follow the crowd of boys, but another group walked right in front of her, and by the time that they had passed, he was gone.

Lucy looked down at her watch.  7:26. First period started at 7:30, and she didn't even know where the class was.  She hurried into the building and pulled out her schedule.  Biology - 103.  103 meant it was on the ground floor, right?  Hopefully that would make it easier to find. 

She stumbled upon the class with 2 minutes to spare.  Everyone was sitting at lab tables, each table fitting two people.  Shakily, she sat at a table by herself.  She looked around, overwhelmed.  Just then, that same boy walked through the door.  He sauntered in and casually plopped down into a seat.  She perked up.  He was sitting alone.  Dare she sit next him?

"Morning class." The teacher barked from the front of the room.  "My name is Ms. Melandrano and I teach biology and chemistry here at the high school.  I'm going to begin with attendance."

She began to roll of names, but Lucy barely heard a word.  She couldn't take her eyes off of him.  He definitely wasn't a freshman.  He had to be at least a junior, if not a senior.  She took a deep breath.

"Rodney, James." Ms. Melandrano listed.

He casually raised his hand. "Call me Rod."

Lucy melted.  Everything he did seemed effortless.

"Wilde, Lucy."

Lucy startled.  How had they gone from J to W so fast?

"Present." She squeaked out.

"All right class.  Everyone will need a lab partner, so I'd like you all to condense to the first four rows of the classroom." Ms. Melandrano said, moving on.

This was her chance.  She picked up her backpack, starting to move toward him, when another girl sat down.  She had long, dark, straight hair, and ginormous breasts.  There was no way that she was a freshman.  Lucy didn't know anyone from her old school that had developed their chest that far.

She blushed and looked around the room, trying to find an open spot.

"Ms. Wilde, take the seat next to Mr. Gru." Her teacher ordered.

Lucy looked to where she was gesturing.  There, in the fourth row, was a dark-haired boy dressed all in black.  He avoided her eyes, and instead picked up his textbook and opened to a random page.  He looked immersed already.  Dang, she thought.  He must either be a really good actor, or really smart if he actually liked reading the textbook.

She walked past Ms. Big Boobs and looked wistfully at Rod.  Then she sat down.  She was in the very back row now, and he was in the second row.  So far apart.

The rest of the class went by slower than she could have imagined.  She tried to follow the syllabus as her teacher was reading, but she was just so distracted.  He was perfect, and he would never notice her.

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