⚝Chapter Twelve⚝

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Konno still couldn't get used to having Toph being in the group. She really admired her as a person, but her personality wasn't really the best. However, Konno didn't have the right to judge Toph because she was raised different than Konno was. Her parents didn't care for her like Konno's mother did. 

She was the first person to wake up today, but Aang was a close second. He was very excited to finally be learning earthbending, and he accidentally woke everyone else up. However, he wasn't doing the greatest at earthbending. It seemed like Toph was getting pretty annoyed with Aang, especially when she poked Aang in the eye after a failed attempt. 

"She should have listened to me," Katara muttered, shaking her head. The two of them were watching Aang and Toph train. "He listens better to encouragement."

Konno glanced at Katara. "Are you saying that because you're jealous?"

Katara jerked her head side to side in quick succession. Her cheeks had gained a little color, and she wouldn't really meet Konno's eyes. "What?" she asked incredulously. "Of course not! Why would I be jealous?"

Konno let a small smile slip onto her face. "It's alright. I won't tell your secret if you don't tell mine."

Katara sputtered, trying to figure out what to say to Konno. Her neck had also gained more color by this time. But Konno wasn't listening now. She was watching as Toph and Sokka argued over his machete. Toph shoved Sokka backward, and he grumbled something to himself before stalking away, through the trees.

"Why don't you go follow him?" Katara asked softly. 

Konno looked at her and shook her head. "No. It looks like he wants to be alone right now."

"That's the perfect time to go to him," Katara said with a nod. "It looks like he wants to be alone, but in reality, he doesn't." After a few seconds of silence, Katara continued, saying, "Trust me. I'm his sister."

Konno sighed. She really did want to follow Sokka, to make sure he was okay. It was hard to hide her feelings, and she didn't know why. That was all she did at the Northern Water Tribe. She hid her feelings from Navrek. She hid her anger about Hahn around Yue. But she could barely hide her feelings from Sokka. It was like her walls turned into a liquid whenever he was around. 

"I know what you're doing," Konno told her while standing up. "And it's not working. I'm just going to check on him and then I'll be back, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Konno."

She rolled her eyes as she started following Sokka. She hoped he didn't take any turns because she didn't want to end up lost without anyone with her. If she did get lost, though, maybe she would be free to think about Yue and Navrek and how much she missed them. She didn't want to think about them when she was with the others because she didn't want to be sad in front of them.

"Gotcha!" a yell echoed through the canyon she was entering. 

Konno frowned and peered around. Her eyes went wide when she saw Sokka stuck in a crevice. His whole body from the shoulders down looked like it was trapped under the earth. He wriggled around, trying to get free, but he doesn't even budge. "You are a lucky little meat creature," he said to a small animal.

"What happened to you?" she asked, stepping forward. "How did you get like that?"

Sokka's head jerked over to her in surprise. Fear raced through his eyes for a second before it turned to recognition. "Did you follow me?" he asked instead.

Konno crossed her arms over her chest. "Answer me first."

"I was hungry!" He pointed at the little mooselion, and it wagged its tail. "That little guy looked like the perfect food to eat."

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