⚝Chapter Ten⚝

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The rest of the night had been pretty eventful for the group of four. When Katara and Konno went back into the arena, they found Aang on the stage, trying to talk to the young girl he was fighting against. However, he accidentally won the match, and he made the young girl storm away.

Now, the four of them had no idea what to do. Aang had said that that was the girl he saw at the swamp, but he obviously ruined his chances for her to become his teacher. They had no more leads to find earthbending teachers.

Konno trailed behind the three of them. She couldn't believe she broke down last night. She thought she had it under control, that she wouldn't break down like that ever again. With a slight shiver, she remembered the last time she truly broke down. That last time, she tried to take her life. Somehow, whenever she broke down, someone appeared to take care of her. Konno didn't think that was a coincidence.

"I gotta admit, now I'm really glad I bought this bag," Sokka said, his voice breaking through the buzz in her mind. "It matches the belt perfectly."

A small smile formed on her face. Katara replied to him with a sarcastic statement, but Konno was glad that he liked the bag. It looked good on him. She thought blue was his color, but green accentuated his eyes. It made them turn a slightly different color of blue, more of an algae green than the color of water. 

Sokka caught her looking at him, his lips rising into a smile. Heat flooded across her cheeks, and she turned away from him. Why had she done that? She wasn't supposed to be feeling those things about him. The betrothal necklace around her neck felt like it was suffocating her, telling her that she was taken already. Even if he left this world without her, she still had an obligation to him. Besides, it had been a few weeks since he died. She shouldn't move on that quickly.

"Konno, are you coming?" Sokka asked, his voice sounding very close to her.

She turned around and was surprised to find him a breath away from her. Her eyes met his and she whispered, "Yes. Sorry. I was distracted."

He nodded in understanding. A certain glow surrounded him - his smile and bright eyes gave him an angelic look. The sun stood behind his head, creating a halo that surrounded his dark hair. 

The two of them didn't move an inch. His eyes were pulling her to him, but her heart was pushing away from him. Every nerve in her body screamed at her to allow him to pull her in, but her heart was stronger. The walls stood tall and imposing over her desires. Over every single desire. Even the desire to have friends and to be loved by more people than just Yue and Navrek. Even the desire to love herself.

Aang and Katara walked back out of the academy just as she was about to walk in. They were chatting to each other very animatedly. Aang looked very excited, and he said, "We have to go there right now!"

"What'd you guys find out about this Blind Bandit?" Sokka asked them, turning away from Konno.

"We know where she lives," Katara told him with a nod. She cut her eyes toward Konno questioningly. "We're going to go to her house now."

Sokka and Aang walked on ahead, and Katara walked next to Konno. "Are you doing okay?" she asked, lowering her voice.

Konno nodded. "Yeah. I just got distracted. That's why we didn't follow you guys inside."

"Distracted by what?" Katara asked, one eyebrow raised.

Konno wouldn't meet her eyes. "I don't remember."

She was thankful that Katara didn't push her to tell her what really distracted her. It would've been embarrassing to tell the sister of the guy she sort of liked that she thought he was cute. It was bad enough admitting it to herself. She hadn't told Yue that she sort of liked Sokka because Yue also had feelings for him. She wouldn't tell anyone now because she didn't think it would last. Her feelings for Navrek disappeared once she kissed him. That had to be it with Sokka, too. 

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