Chapter 11:

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"Wow! You've got a big house." Corey said looking up, resisting the urge to light another cigarette to calm his nerves.

"Its not that big." Joey rolled his eyes.

Corey blinked a couple of times. He had a house, now. But it still was only half the size compared to this. This was huge.

"Come on in." Joey offered

Corey awkwardly made his way in kicking his shoes off as he was nervous to tracing any mud through.

"Welcome to my home." Joey laughed

Corey already felt out of place. He looked around "it's nice."

"Wanna go to my room?" Joey asked

Corey nodded quickly as Joey took him up the stairs.

"My metal cave." Joey laughed as he opened the door.

Corey looked around the room to see posters and flags of many bands he liked.

"Oh wow!"

"I know right." Joey said

Corey sighed slightly, he wished his room could be like this. But he couldn't really afford it.

"You can come in." Joey laughed as corey gently walked in.

He placed himself on Joey's bed feeling awkward and out of place.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked

"Nothing." corey said

"Are you sure?" Joey asked

Corey just nodded before looking over at one of Joey's cats that were on his bed

"Aww." Corey said gently stroking it.

The cat seemed to like it.

"Oh my god he must have been in here all day." Joey said "he usually sleep in here with me."

"Hes cute."

"Yeah, his names mokey." Joey smiled gently

Corey felt a little calmer with the cat for some reason, stroking it felt reassuring. Maybe because his grandma owned a cat? He didn't know. He had never even been in such a big house unless it was used for a party, Samantha's was pretty big too but corey swore Joey's seemed bigger.

He smiled as he turned to Joey "can I ask a question?"


"Why do your friends hate me so much?"


Corey sighed "I bumped into one of them the other day in the corridor, he pushed me over and cussed. I dont have a problem with it, I'm not a pussy or anything but it seemed like really angry And I dont know what I did."

"Who was it?" Joey asked

"I dont know their names." Corey said rolling their eyes "you sure they arent mad at you though for hanging out with me?" He asked

"No! No, I asked If I could. They said it was fine."

Corey nodded "that paul guy is alright you know."

"They all are." Joey said "I like them all. They are super kind once you get to know them. They are just defensive of me i guess."

"Why?" corey looked up, looking into Joey's eyes scanning them, begging them for honesty.

Joey looked back into Corey's, looking at how dead those blue eyes where. The fact there was no sign of life, nothing. Strange.

"Sorry." Joey said blinking and looking away "just, because my height, people always pick on me, and because I'm gay too. They always feel bad for me, and my mom is always trying to date but the men are always so obnoxious."

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