A Wannabe Devil's Shenanigans!

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This is a combination of episodes 8 and 9. They were shorter than normal, so I put them together. Now, enjoy this crap or else I'll eat your favorite food right in front of you in a dream, but I won't share it.

Extra: Now, everyone, eat up! This turned out great, so help yourself! I have to say, that was impressive! To think you had such a talented magician! You're lucky to have someone so powerful! And to think that he's so young! I am quite impressed!

Megumin: Y/n! You took the spotlight for yourself!

Y/n: Of course. If this was an anime or something, I just had myself some character development. If I can easily kill an enemy, I'm gonna do it. I don't want to lose anymore.

Extra: This is just to show my gratitude. Here, please.

Kazuma: No, no, no, no! It's totally fine! Really!

Extra: What are you saying? It was your party member that defeated the Running Hawk Kites!

Y/n: No. It's fine. We don't need it. It was our fault... I'm sorry.

Extra: But-

Kazuma: As adventurers, it's only natural we contribute to the battle.

Extra: Remarkable! To think that true adventurers like you people still exist in this harsh world!

Tears began forming in his eyes and he covered his eyes with his hand.

Kazuma: I can't accept a reward for a problem we caused!

Y/n: I'm sorry!

Both Y/n and Kazuma turned away from him. They both put their hand over their mouth and they began silently crying.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Aqua and Y/n performing for everyone.

Both Y/n and Kazuma sat up at the same time.

Y/n: Hey. Enemy Detection is going off.

Kazuma: I know. Wake them up for me. I'm gonna check it out.

Y/n 'Kay.

Darkness appeared from the shadows and caused Y/n and Kazuma to jump.

Y/n: Jesus Christ, woman!

Darkness: Something's wrong.

Kazuma: I know. We established that already.

Extra: Hey, there's something out there! Everyone, wake up!

Kazuma and Darkness went to go check it out. Y/n stayed back and tried to wake up Megumin. He poked her cheek, but she didn't even respond. Y/n then smiled mischievously. He lightly tapped Chomusuke to wake her up.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but I need to move you.

Y/n grabbed Chomusuke and he placed her on his pillow. Y/n began laughing to himself. Y/n hovered his hand over Megumin's face.

Y/n: Create Water.

Megumin started panicking.

Y/n: Wake up! You're late for school!

Megumin: Wait, what?! Wait...

(One of the cruelest things my brother would do to me. He'd wake me up at 4 AM by pouring water on my face. He'd then say "Wake up! You're late for school!" He would also do this on weekends. It hurt my soul.)

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