Chapter 3 First day of school

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I got dressed went down the step's an into the kitchen. And when i got there it was a note on the table it said. "Cake here's you paper's for school an GPS the school so you wont get lost it's on the paper. "DUH". I thought to myself. " Don't fa get to eat something befor you go to school Love you see you when you get home. "Well i eat my food made suer that my book's are my bag. I text Sam. Hey Sam how are you getting to school. " School bus i'm at the bus stop now why. I'll pick you im pulling off now. "YES see you when you get here. Going down the road i see a group of people at the corner then i spot Sam. She smiled when she seen me i was the only one with Ohio tag's on my car. Unkocking the door for Sam she jumped in. I looked to my left to see everyone looking an trying to see who Sam jumped in the car with. "DRIVE CAKE DRIVE!!! I pulled off with a nice jerk. "what's wrong SAM? Running from my brother i so lost his new ring. I look back to see a car right behind me. Sam his pissed but hold on i got this i race back home. I floored it going 150 mph i look at Sam who was laughting. "Cake he's right behind us i pulled to the right an got on the high way an jumped lane to lane an off the next exit. Looking back i see the Blcak BMW go pass. Me an Sam brock out laughting 15 mintes later we pulled into the school parking lot. Looking at Sam go white in the face she ponted. Looking to where she was pointing The black BMW. "WOW that was fast i said with a smile om my face. Everyone was looking at my car waiting for me to get out. Putting ny sunglasses on i turned off my car an got out first everyone's looking at me rolling my eye's. C'Mon Sam she got out. Locking my door we walked to the school. "Here's the office Cake. "SAM!!!!! I"M GONNA KILL YOU. "Sam who's was that? My brother gotta go Cake see you later text meeee. Laughting i walked into the office. "Hi im Cake Love i'm new an i need a list of my class. "Okay my dear. "I'm magge by the way. Nice to meet you. "Here you go my dear your locker number is on there as well. "Okay thank you have nice day.

"walking outta the office I started looking for my locker number 320. I found it near the gym. My class was History great putting some thing's into my locker I went looking for my class. When I got there I walked in. Yea now everyone was looking at me then I look to my right the same guy from the stor where I got my gas. His gry eye's just looking at me. Walking to the teacher giving him a paper I walked to the back of the class an sat in the corner. Pulling my hair to the side of my neck blocking a small mark that showed up just befor i came to this town. Blocking my face i cant see people looking at me cause I was the new girl.

I was happy that the bell rang I felt all eye's on me. "I made it to lunch wear I seen Sam but I just sat by myself I really don't eat school lunch because it's nasty. But I made sure that I had something to drink. I kept my head down then I felt someone put there hand on my arm I look up to see Sam with a smile on her face. "Hey girl why are you sitting all by yo lonsome? "Hollow new girl reminber I told you I wasn't a people person. "Yea I no but can always come chill with us. No thanks Sam I'm fine here. Will you need a ride home Sam or are you getting on the bus. "The bus I have things to do. Okay see you later then. Bye. "As I was about to put my head back down I see a pear of green eyes watching me. I looked way an put my things in my bag an left the lunch room. I do not likeing the feeling I get when he looks at me. My last class was math I love math it's the best subject besides gym. I walk into the class room I was the only one there giveing my paper to the teacher an taken the seat at the back of the class in the corner. Putting my head down the bell rang an people start pulling into the room. I peeked out the corner of my eye an saw the same guy that was looking at me in the lunch room.

"Great i thought to myself now he's in my last class is'nt that just lovely. "Okay class here's the dayly math problem for today. I can hear all the people in class groun about the dayly math problem. " Can anybody tell me what is the answer to 25 x 8 x 10 / 82 = ? what "24.3902439 i said right off back. "Who said that? I could feel everuone eye's on me even his. Ms. Love can you tell me what you just said? " 24.3902439 is what i said. "She looked at paper then looked at me that right she said. Kids in the room started talking. "Cake can you plese look at me while im talking to you. I pulled my head up looking her right in the eye's an said. I no your woundering how i got it right but to tell i just like math an i don't no what to tell you. "Well okay the good job Cake. "Yea thanks i said. Looking over i can see him looing into my blue eye's i don't no how long i been like that but when my eye's went to his lip's an he smarked at me. And that pulled me outta my dayz. Then the bell rang i ran outta class headed for my locker when i got there i got my thing's out an headed to my car. when i got there thank god h was'nt out here. I started my car an pulled out of the spot when Sam jumped in the way i stoped the car fast looking over there he was he looked like he was man maybe because i out ran him on the high way this morning an still don't who's behind the will. "I jumped out of my car an yelled WHAT THE HELL SAM ARE YOU CRAZY!!! "Sorry Cake can i get a ride home with you i changed my mined about the bus. "Yea c'mon looking over i see the guy who was looking at me all day today with a smile on his face. "I smiled back an gave him a wink an jumped into my car an pulled off. With a loud sckreech Sam throw her head outtakes the window yelling WOOOOH SCHOOL'S OUT!!! " Rollin my eye's smiling thinking she was crazy. But I had a friend who I can have fun with. We sang the whole way home. An when I dropped Sam off then I headed home to get some homework done.


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