Party In a Mansion

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Ashley: "Al looks like this is going to be quite hard. She's filthy rich!"

Allison: "There has to be some dirty secret and I'm going to find it out!"

They walk into the mansion and start talking to people. Kylie walks down the stairs wearing a tight, short, black dress and guys and girls are amazed.

Kylie: "Hi everyone! So this is my home and I only have one rule and it's to have fun!"

People: "Whoo! This is gonna be lit!"

Allison: "First rule of everything deepest secrets are kept hidden in bedrooms"

Aubrey: "Wouldn't that be too obvious"

Allison: "Ugh leave this up to me and Ashley"

Allison walks up the stairs to see a hallway full of rooms.

Allison: "You're joking? What is this a hotel?!"

Kylie: "Close actually"

Allison: "Oh! I uh didn't see you there"

Kylie: "Yeah do you need something"

Allison: "Nope"

Kylie: "Sure..."

Ashley: "That girl gives me the creeps"

Allison: "I know like brrrrr"

Aubrey: "Maybe her bedroom is up those stairs"

Ashley: "There's more stairs?!"

Allison: "Ugh we'll come back another time this is stupid"

Aubrey: "Guys I think I found something"

Ashley: "We already told you..Wow!"

Allison: "It's a bookshelf but not.."

Ashley: "She has to keep her secrets in there"

Allison: "Well what are you waiting for let's go"

They all go into the secret room and look around

System: System operating lock.

Aubrey: "Did the doors just-"

Ashley: "Yes Aubrey! Yes they did"

Kylie: "So care to explain?

All: Ah!

Kylie: "Haha so why are you snooping around my house?"

Aubrey: "To find dirt and get you too leave so ally can be 1 again"

All: "Aubrey!"

Aubrey: "What"

Kylie: "Ok I see"

Allison: "So what is this place?"

Kylie: "Hi I'm Kylie roslasa decapreo

Ashley: "You're the daughter of the most famous assasin?!"

Kylie: "Yeah I am"

Allison: "Alright so that's a big secret"

Ashley: "Here I have an idea"

Kylie: "What is it?"

Ashley: "We'll all keep your dirty secret and make sure no one ever knows if you beat Allison in a challenge"

Kylie: "Cool if you win my secrets out and I leave. If I win you three leave and my secret is safe."

Allison: "Good. I got the perfect challenge"

Aubrey: "Is it the Kiss List?"

Allison: "Yes it is. Kylie if you can kiss 5 of the people on the list within 3 weeks you win."

Kylie: "Challenge accepted"

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