New to the School

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Allison's Mom: "Have a nice day sweetie"

Allison: "Omg mom! Don't call me that"

Allison's Mom: "Oh sorry I won't

Allison then gets in the convertible and it takes her to school with her friends Aubrey and Ashley.

Allison "So girls today who is on the list?"

Aubrey: "Well they are having pizza for lunch and-"

Allison: "No not that list idiot"

Ashley: "Well it was going to be the nerd george but there's a new girl coming"

Allison: "Any details"

Ashley: "Nope nothing"

Allison: "Strange"

Aubrey: "You know what else is strange? My pet rock stopped moving and I took it to the vet and they did nothing"

Allison looks at Aubrey with a glare that says you are the most stupid person on earth.

Allison: "Ok so no background well no need we can torment her another way"

They arrive at school

Allison: "Looking for the new girl is that her?"

Ashley: "No that's weird Wanda"

Allison: "Hm add her to the list"

Aubrey: "Is that her"

They see a girl pull up in a tesla and get out wearing designer street wear. Everyone in the hallway is shocked and says "Wow"

Aubrey: "Good luck bullying her Al"

Allison: "I don't need luck like we haven't even seen her face maybe she's really ugly-

Boys: "Holy shit! She's so pretty!"

Ashley: "Yeah Al she isn't ugly at all"

Allison: "She has to have some weird flaw!"

Aubrey: "Nah she's perfect"

Allison fixes her hair and walks up to the new girl and puts out her hand for the new girl to shake it.

Allison: "Hi I'm Allison student body president and top of the class here."

Kylie: "Great well I'm Kylie and I don't really care"

Allison: "Haha I'm sorry what?!"

Kylie: "Listen up you don't run the school and I can tell you're the head bitch in charge but you're not anymore."

Allison: "Oh really what makes you so sure?" *Disaproving glance

Kylie: "Look around as soon as I walked in people love me"

Allison: "Well-

Kylie: "And you know what else I have that you don't?"

Aubrey: "Oh ooh I know um a pet snake"

Allison and Kylie stare at Aubrey very confused and Allison rolls her eyes.

Kylie: "Uh no a personality. A nice one. I'm only bitchy to you because you think you're the queen here."

Allison: "I think? I am the queen here."

Kylie: "Not for long."

Ashley: "Al we should get to class now"

Allison: "Ah that's right I'm top of the class."

Kylie: "Sure."

They head to class and are in all the same classes together.

Avalon: "Hey Kylie is it?"

Kylie: "Yes it is"

Avalon: "Totally respect you for saying all that stuff to Allison. You really put her in her place."

Kylie: "Always. You want to hang with me and some old friends of mine after school?"

Avalon: "I'm so down."

After they were talking a lot of other people started talking and getting to know Kylie a little bit.

Kylie: "Listen up Y'all! I'm throwing a party and everyone is invited! Yes everyone."

Aubrey: "What are you going to do about Kayla?"

Ashley: "It's Kylie Aubs."

Allison: "No we should call her Kayla but only to her face."

Ashley: "Nice first step."

Allison: "Hm a party at her place this could be a way to find some things out."

Aubrey: "Yeah we can find out if she likes taco bell."

Ashley: "You're the dumbest person on this planet Aubrey."

Allison: "Seriously how did you get into this class?!"

Ashley: "Anyways you know what time it is."

Allison: "Time to end this bitch."

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