A Party on the Lake

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Song Defies Color

A/N: Whew! I finally finished this pretty late last night. I've been working on this for about a week, but I had to attend a wedding yesterday. But it was a wonderful occasion. I had a good time.

Anyway, let's get on with Chapter 3. Roll it!

Chapter 3

A Party on the Lake

It was quiet for a few long minutes when Branch thought he heard something. His ears instinctively twitched at the sound, and he slightly stirred from sleep. He opened his eyes and slowly sat up from his spot under the mushroom. He carefully moved his ears around to try and pinpoint the sound, if he would hear it again.

Just then, he did hear it. It sounded.... melodic. Curious, Branch stood up and slowly walked away from the mushroom and headed over in that direction. The further he walked, the louder the melodic sound got. But the more he thought about it, the more he thought that it sounded familiar. Like he had heard it somewhere before.

Suddenly, he found a little ball of blue light floating in the air. Branch cautiously approached it, wisps of light seeming to come alive as he came closer, little flames pulsating on the top with the downbeats of the mysterious melody. Ignoring all caution and let curiosity take full control, Branch slowly reached out to touch it.

Right before his fingertips touched it, the ball of light seemed to grow brighter until it became a full flash of light, wind and force blowing out from it. Branch quickly shut his eyes and covered them with his hands for further protection as he braced himself.

When the light vanished, Branch suddenly found himself among big mushroom buildings all scattered among the vicinity of the biggest and oldest tree in the forest, with colorful pods dangling from the many thick branches. It was the village.

For a split second, Branch thought about making a run for it before anyone saw him. But it was too late. Trolls were walking about their daily lives around the plaza, not even noticing him. The gray Troll raised a confused brow, wondering why they were acting like they haven't seen him yet. He reached his hand out to try and grab someone's arm, but his hand went right through it. It was then that he realized that he was like a ghost.

Still, he couldn't help but be in awe as he looked around the village. The melody that he heard before was getting louder and louder, but Branch still couldn't put his finger on why it sounded so familiar. Just then, he heard a voice.

"Hey, Mom!" He turned over to the side and saw a pretty Troll with teal blue skin, familiar mint green hair, and warm violet eyes. She wore a rosy pink tank top with dark green capri, along with a red hairband with a green bead on the side. Something about that Troll seemed faintly familiar.

"Esme!" Just then, Branch saw a really familiar Troll that made his heart nearly stop.

She was getting on in years, and she had purple skin, mint green hair like the younger female, and green eyes. She wore a cream dress and a magenta shawl over her shoulders. It was his grandmother.

But that couldn't be. She's dead. Branch thought to himself. That was when he realized that maybe, he was in a dream formed from some of his most suppressed memories. Also, that Troll that was with her, that had to be his mother, Esmeralda.

"Where are those two boys of yours?" Rosiepuff asked her daughter.

"Oh, they're around here somewhere." Esme answered.

"Looking for us?" A male voice suddenly asked.

The two women looked over to the side and saw a male Troll with lime green skin, cobalt blue hair and ocean blue eyes. He wore a warm brown vest and pants. Branch's eyes widened. That had to be his father, Rowan.

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