Chapter 4

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                   Before she entered the cottage Jay knew something was wrong. Usually, the lights were on, Barbara would be making some delicious spanish treat but instead of this, it was cold and quiet. She flung her  schoolbag on the couch yelling Barbara's name. Maybe she's at quinca's house, thought Jay.Quinca was Barbara's best friend, a strange woman with hair that looked like it was on fire.

              Jay relaxed, but part of her was still afraid. Barbara always left a note, was it possible that she had forgotten? she tried to settle and watch frozen but everything put her off, she couldnt enjoy her favorite animation. Giving up, she went upstairs to draw. Very few cottages had two floors but Jay's cottage home was different. the old building seemed like a place she would find in a storybook. when she was younger she had always believed her mother was a princess a beautiful maiden who would soon return to her beautiful castle cottage. but as she grew older that vision had slipped away... could it be true? with her new teachers strange talk of fairies or faeries as she caled them be  right?

                 she dropped her pencil and stared into the picture she had been drawing it was far away, distant, a boy with bright green eyes. Just then she heard the satisfying click of the door, Barbara was home! she raced downstairs but couldn't help feeling dissapointed. it was just susan. susan noticed her dissapointment and said slightly annoyed "nice to see you too!" Jay felt bad then, she knew how much susan's schedules meant to her, the fact that she had broken her schedule to come see her deserved respect. she just couldn't bring herself to be happy. "sorry suze" she said. "its great to see you!"

               Susan, noticing her friend's sadness became worried. "what's up jayjay?" she said. "oh nothing!" said jay quickly. "its no big deal, i can't find barbara that's all" susan smiled,bubbly as usual. "is that all? c'mon jay she's probably popped out to see quinca or something, let's watch frozen!" Watching the movie with susan was way more fun. as all the drama club members could testify, susan was a drama queen! she laughed and cried and squealed. "honestly susan!" teased Jay, "you're like the most  dramatic person I know!". "just because i dont have a cold heart like you fussypot doesn't mean i'm dramatic! I mean this movie is really emotional!" replied susan. "so is finding nemo, and shrek and the lion king..." jay said. "they are!" said susan throwing a pillow at jay who immediately ducked.

                      They had a fun day full of giggling and baking and talking and happiness when susan had to go, jay felt a bit sad. "see you soon jayjay!" said susan hugging jay tightly and squeezing her in the process. "bye suze" said Jay already retreating to the quiet cottage. Jay tried everything to take her mind off barbara, drawing cooking, cleaning, painting and reading what she called 'the fairytale book'. finally she decided on watching Ratatouille. At about 2am when Anton Ego tasted the Ratatatouille she heard the satisfying shutting of the door. She forgot how angry she was at Barbara and raced to hug her.Barbra smiled but it looked sad. "are you ok?" asked Jay, worry etched into her voice.

                     "mi hija!" cried Barbara before falling unto the couch in tears. Jay ran to hug her adopted mother. She waited patiently for Barbara to explain and tearfully she did. "Juan" she said sadly. "juan, mi sobrino esta muriendo" Barbara must have seen Jay's questioning look because she quickly translated. "Juan is dying!" Jay felt her heart quicken, Juan was barbara's nephew.He was a six and a half year old boy with brown hair, skin and eyes. Juan and his twin sister Jacita(Jacy) and their parents came to stay with them every summer.

                      Juan was always up and about, Jay couldn't imagine Juan in a hospital bed. Barbara's eyes brimmed with tears; "life-support he is on life support" said Barbara almost like she didn't believe it. "He is not dying" said Jayila firmly to Barbara. "Juan is a fighter can you imagine him giving up?" said Jay. They both imagined Juan with his cardboard sword trying to defend his sister from invisible dragons, and smiled in spite of the stuation. Jay went to the kitchen and made barbara a cup of tea and a dish of jammy dodgers, their guilty pleasure. When she brought back the dish, Barbara seemed to be better, she was sitting upright and looking into thin space. "Thank you" Barbara said to Jay. "go to bed please, you have school tomorrow". Jay looked at Barbara with a horrified look. "we're going to the hospital tomorrow" she said. "no." replied Barbara sadly, "I am." then she looked at Jay as if to say this conversation is over. "we'll discuss this in the morning!" said Jay indigantly. when you're better she thought. And though she pretended not to hear them, Barbara's sobs through the night touched her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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