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As dusk set in the dark clouds seemed to grow angry. I was walking home from the library after trying to find answers as to what my dream meant. There was no help there so I decided I would be visiting a person who I knew could help me. After my parents died my dads younger sister, Jess, took an immediate liking towards me and I couldn't understand why.

Walking onto her porch I knocked on her door. I heard the small patter of footsteps rush towards the door. I smiled as my small cousin, Ally, opened the door and smiles at me.

"Momma Belle is here!" She yelled as she pushed the screen door open to hug me. I picked her up and stepped into the house carrying her towards the living room. My aunt stepped into the living room and hugged me taking Ally out of my arms.

"What brings you here Belle?" She asks setting Ally down by her toys.

"I just had some questions that I hoped you could help me with." She nodded and turned towards Ally who was watching us from her spot on the floor.

"I'll be right back sweetie. If you need anything Daddy is in his office." Ally smiled and started playing with one of her dolls. Jess turns towards me and motions towards the kitchen where she could still keep an eye on Ally just in case.

"What did you need to ask me?" She asks sitting at the table where there seemed to be paperwork she must've been previously working on.

"As you know after the accident a lot of things changed." I said watching her reaction to see if she maybe knew anything. She signs and looks down sadly. After the accident she tried really hard to gain custody of me but with only being 18 at the time they wouldn't let her take custody of me.

"Is this about your dreams again?" She asks sighing. I nod looking down at my hands. She sighs again getting up and walking towards the shelves in the hallway. She looks for a moment then pulls a book of the shelf coming back to sit at the table again. I notice the book is actually a diary and she hands it over to me.

"This is mine from a few years ago. I used to hide the fact that I had dreams about what was to come. Once an incident happened that I believe wouldn't I decided to show your dad my journals. We had a fear that it would be pasted down to you but you didn't show any signs until after the accident." She looked down at the table, took a deep breath then, looked back at me. "I need you to be honest Belle. Did you have dreams like this before the accident?"

I look between her eyes before slowly nodding my head. I looked down starting to cry. "I could've saved my parents." I mutter looking back at Jess. She stands up and hugs me again.

"Honey, it's not your fault. You didn't understand your dreams. We should've paid closer attention." I pull away from the hug and look back and the journal carefully opening the cover and looking at the first entry.

Next to the entry was a newspaper clipping of a fire that happened at a cabin. I looked over to Jess and saw her quietly crying. I looked between her, the clipping, and the entry.

"Is this the incident?" I asked her quietly.

"Yes. I had a dream about the death of my grandparents. They were killed in a fire at our summer cabin." She says quietly. I closed the journal and turned to her.

"Is there anyway to stop the dreams from happening?" I ask turning towards her.

"No, no one ever believes us. The only thing you can do is try to remember who is in the dream and make sure if its a loved one that something is happening to you treasure them." She says wiping tears from her face. I nodded my head slowly.

"Thank you for everything Jess." I say as we stand up. I give her a hug and slowly walk back into the living room to say goodbye to Ally. My aunt was going to realize I wasn't home soon and I needed to get going. I walk out of Jess' house and slowly walk back towards the place I unfortunately call home. I wish I could live with Jess but since I can't I'm just happy she moved to this town to be closer to me.

As I continued home I thought back to my dream. There was snow and we were still a couple weeks out from the snow season. Maybe I could run away then I could stop the dream. Or I could try and find the person from my dream and do something to stop him from wanting him to hurt me.

With all these thoughts consuming my head I didn't even see the car coming down the road until they slammed on their horn and everything went black.


The lights shining in my face were bright and I groaned as I tried to move away from them.

"No no no. You can't move" I hear a voice say as I'm pushed onto my back again. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I was laying in a hospital bed. I could hear the constant beeping of the machines to my left and turned my head away from them. As I turned my head I noticed someone sitting next to me. He had dark brown almost black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue sweater and jeans. He was looking back at me with what I think is worry in his eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask coughing a little due to my scratchy throat. He moved to the stand beside the bed and hands me a cup of water. I take it from him drinking slowly.

"My name's Xavier." He says smiling slightly.

"Why am I here?" I ask again looking around again sitting up a little bit.

"Someone hit you and didn't stop after. I saw everything happen and rushed you here." I go to respond when a nurse walks in looking at a clipboard. When she looks up and sees me awake she smiles softly and comes over. She checks my vitals and looks over to Xavier who is now standing over by the window of the room.

"You got a good one there. Hasn't left your side since you were brought in." I looked at Xavier surprised. Why had he stayed with me? I didn't even recognize him from anywhere. He smiled softly and me. The nurse turned to leave and Xavier came back over.

"Thank you for staying."

"It's no problem really. I know I'd want someone to stay with me." He says smiling. I had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time I see Xavier. In fact I have a feeling he's going to be very important in the events to come.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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