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   "Maribelle! Get up here!" I heard my aunt Amber yell. I got up and headed up the stairs to the main floor in the house. Ever since that tragic day I've had to live with my aunt Amber. She was my moms sister but, I didn't know her that well. I had to pack up my life and. Move multiple hours away from where I originally lived.

   "What needs to be done?" I asked her when I reached the top of the stairs. Ever since I moved here I felt like I was their maid. My aunt and cousins had me do everything for them. From cooking breakfast to doing laundry and even my cousins homework. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

   "Breakfast needs to be cooked and ready by the time your cousins get down here. When you're done with that get their homework and school supplies around as well as start their cars. Then finally before you leave for school make sure the dishes are done. I don't want to see one dirty dish when I leave for my appointment." I sighed and nodded my head, turning towards the kitchen. I'd be lucky if I wasn't late to school. I opened the cupboards and gathered everything I'd need to prepare for breakfast. Then, I opened the fridge and got out the eggs and bacon before putting the toast in the toaster. This was my routine every morning. It was expected that I would have breakfast for them and have everything they needed around. One time I forgot one thing and wasn't allowed out of my room, aka the basement, unless I was doing chores.

   Once breakfast was done I laid everything out on the table just as my cousins were coming down the stairs. I hurried out of the kitchen and into the living room where my cousins had their bags. I put their homework from last night in folders then into their bag along with their text books and study guides. Ashely, my eldest cousin, had a chemistry test today. I wondered how she ever passed the classes as she never did her homework or even studied for the test. Meanwhile, here I was staying up extra last at night making sure that I would be able to get my homework done on top of theirs. I headed out to their cars next to start them so they were warmed up before they leave. As I walked back into the house my cousins were just leaving the kitchen from eating breakfast.

   "Dishes are in the sink." Ashley stated as she walked past me smirking. I walked into the kitchen to find more dishes dirty that what was needed. I was definitely going to be late to school now and there was nothing I could do about it. I rushed to the sink and turned the water on to warm up while I got the dish soap out from the cabinets under the counter. I glanced at the clock 7:45. I had to leave within ten minutes if I didn't want to be late to my first class. I was lucky that school was only about a ten minute walk. School started everyday with homeroom at 8 then, the first class started at 8:05. I finished the dishes then, rushed out the door grabbing my bag off the pantry door.

   The walk to school was chilly and the leaves were starting to fall off the trees showing the first signs of winter. I entered school just as the bell rang to go to the first class. I saw my friend Sam in the hall talking to her boyfriend Ryder. They were part of the populars so I could never understand why she wanted to be my friend when I moved here.

   I entered my first period class which happened to be English and took a seat. I always sat at the back of the class away from everyone. With my cousins always saying crap about me to all their friends I was easily targeted. I wish that everything I went through didn't happen. I wish that I could just be a normal teenager. And I really wish that I wouldn't be the target of all the school bullies. I was easy to bully I guess tho. Seeing as I had to put up with my aunt and cousins and they always told me I couldn't standup for myself I started to believe them.

   The day dragged on until it was lunch time. We had an hour for lunch which I used as a nap time for me seeing as I couldn't sleep well at home. I walked out the door that are at the back of the cafeteria and headed towards the tree in the middle of the garden. I sighed as I sat down. This was the only place where I really got peace and quiet. I pulled my coat up around my chin and leaned my head back against the tree. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

   The room was cold and dark. I didn't recognize where I was. I could see the snow starting to pile against the only window in the room. The damp walls were covered in moss and the only thing I could hear was the water dripping onto the cold floors. I looked around trying to figure out where I was but there was no use. The window was so high on the wall that I couldn't see outside to see any clues as to where I was.

   The floor boards above my head creaked as I heard someone walking toward the door to wherever I was. The footsteps didn't sound heavy which made me think it was either a young boy or girl. The door slowly creaked open at the top of the stairs where I was being held. Behind the person I could make out a fireplace burning brightly. The person who had opened the door was wearing black jeans and dark colored work boots. I couldn't yet see their upper body and who they were.

   My heart started to race as they slowly started down the stairs. In their hand they held a knife which looked like had just been sharpened by the way the light form the main house reflected off the blade. I whimpered and cowered back into the corner of the room I was in. They reached the bottom of the stairs and I looked at their face and shock covered my features. The male had a scar the covered the right side of his face. I knew exactly who this was. And I had a feeling I was in deep trouble. As he stalked towards me I hid my face and I felt the blade slice across my face.

   I woke up screaming. These dreams have been happening since the accident that took the lives of the most important people to me. Most of the dreams have come true and I didn't understand why. Why could I see the things that were going to happen? These dreams has only took place while I was sleeping but I had a feeling that I was about to start seeing them more often. It was time to figure out what they mean and what I can do to stop them from becoming true. 

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